Online work

In year 2 of the project, students joined four mixed online teams and discussed three different tasks connected with the main topic of "Life 21 and its aspects around the year 2040".

The tasks were: future education, smart cities and transport, free time/entertainment; three joint outcomes were created (a video, audio spots with comics, an online presentation)

Future education

A summary of online mixed teams collaboration on the topic of future education in 2040. The video was created by the Romanian team.

Smart cities and transport

A set of audio stories based on collaborative work. Audio and visuals were created by the Czech team.

Part 1 (housing, shopping, technology), scan and listen

Part 2 (lifestyle, greenery, health), scan and listen

Part 3 (vehicles, safety, fuel), scan and listen

free time.pptx

Free time and entertainment

A summary on the basis of the online mixed teams discussions. The presentation was created by the Polish team.