about the project




Project Acronym: LOCALS

Project Start Date : 01-09-2019

Project Total Duration: 24 months + 12 months (extension)

Project End Date: 31-08-2022

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation: IT02 Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ - INDIRE

Main objective of the project: Exchange of Good Practices


Objectives and impacts

The project starts from the current economic worldwide situation to provide the necessity to develop school programmes based on entrepreneurial skills. Today, Globalisation and Glocalisation represent a relational model oriented towards the cooperation among cultures with the scope to preserve local identities into global economic process. Many students leave the school with a low or inexistent knowledge in the entrepreneurial field and the teachers are often without competences.

Moreover, we can register a low interest about the entrepreneurial education (Eurydice Report 2016) even though the directives established by the Entrepreneurship Action Plan 2020 and the three Europe 2020 key initiatives (innovation union, youth on the move, new skills for new jobs), which support the creativity and innovation, including the entrepreneurship at all levels of education.

The results of a survey given into the Etwinning group “Globalisation and local identity” to know the level of students and teachers’ familiarity about Global-Glocalisation, highlighted that our students and teachers coming from 6 EU partner country (Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Spain and Portugal) don’t know what Glocalisation is (73%), how to build a firm (56%), least of all received training (65%) on the topic within the school. Moreover, students have the problem to leave their city/country to find a job after their high school leaving qualifications (41%).

In order to sustain these needs, and through the upgrading of teachers’ professional competences, the project wants to implement the students’ entrepreneurial competences developing multicriterial skills and an active citizenship. The direct target group is formed by 384 students (aged 15-18 years) and 48 teachers with low skills on entrepreneurial field, working as teams with local companies, stakeholders and experts in the field.

Our project will learn to 348 students how to create a firm and will prepare 48 teachers for the subject matter. Moreover, several thousands of teachers and students will be indirect participants and users of our project results.

Other aims are:

  1. the implementation of a partnership among training and real companies;

  2. the implementation of the collaborative learning and critical thinking among all actors;

  3. the development of communication skills in a foreign language;

  4. the development of an active European citizenship.

Planned activities

A) Entrepreneurial Lab (E@Lab) in each school partners, where students and teachers meet experts to receive knowledge and tools to develop their firms; B) Implementation of a Cross-Regional Thematic Network (CReTNet) within the partnership to improve key-competences; C) Movie, Project Logo, until 12 Training Firms, and eCommerce portal; D) EXPO made during the Inca’s fair where students and teachers will participate to promote their products; E) Tours/Trails, Posters, Twin Space site, online-school magazine, Website, Facebook-Instagramm-Youtube account, eBook of the project, Booklet/guide about how to set a business in Europe.

Workshop themes in mobility activity

Palermo - Sicily (24th to 30th of November, 2019) - Concept design of a Company and relatives Cases history; Legal form for a Company; Business Plan Design; Analysis of territorial asset and their projection within international markets (glocalisation); SWAT analysis; Strategies and medium-long term objectives; Cultural Heritage as a driver for the local development; Environment as a resource for business activity; Logo design; Conceptual Map of a territory - Territorial branding; Communication plan e business plan; Cultural identity as a driver for local companies and international markets; Designing my first product.

Ramnicu Valcea - Romania (9th to 15 th of February, 2020) - The real economic environment of the County in the light of Globalization; Supporting successful local entrepreneurs; Analysis of the territory including the local products (each country); Short movies produced by each country– interviews about the impact of globalisation and glocalisation at the local level; Logo, vision, mission, and products to be sold within the international marketplace applying glocal strategies; Promotion of local products; Digital competences for entrepreneurship; How to conduct a research so that a local product becomes international.

Vilnius - Lithuania (24th to 30th of October, 2021 ) - History of Money, Modern Money; Educational chocolate making lesson-show - chocolate from your hands; Angels protecting us and giving Joy, happiness and creativity; Economy in time of globalization and business looking at the local resources;

Lousado - Portugal (16th to 22th of January, 2022) - Incubators, and marketing strategies, learning how these services can help young entrepreneurs to emerge with new ideas and technologies to put on the market; How I became an entrepreneur; We are Entrepreneurs.

Brzozów - Poland (28th to 1st of April, 2022 ) - How to use the Internet and digital tools responsibly and safely; Through science with business for innovation – Podkarpackie Centre for Innovation as a regional innovation and entrepreneurship support institution; Innovative technological projects in Podkarpacie – from medicine to power engineering; How to do almost everything – maker-space and rapid prototyping; e-Commerce and social media marketing; how to promote their business and manage firms in times of crisis.

Inca - Spain (2nd to 6th of May, 2022) - Footwear in local traditions and collaboration with the local artisans and associations; How to create shoes and design interesting proposals for the international marketplaces; Promotion of the products having a virtual company; Selling virtual products; Advertising the company and its eCommerce portal by flyers, brochures, business cards; Economy developed by the local fair; Marketing Tourism by cultural heritage and sustainable activities.

Project results



we have the development of their entrepreneurial capacities-increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; to improve their language and digital skills; the development of student personality through engaging the soft skills in project activities; for more favourable attitude in taking initiatives and risks; a better understanding and recognition of European competences and qualifications.


the increase of the professional development opportunities, motivation and satisfaction in daily jobs; the development of pedagogical, planning and project management competencies; the improvement of the image through the promotion of the school at the European level; the diminishing of the students’ school failure and the increment of their motivation and relationships.


the contribution to the decreasing of the unemployment rate at the teenager’s level, increase in the quality of education at a local level, and more interaction between firms and school programmes. As concerns the benefit in the long term we have effects between school offer and demands of the job. Another aspect regards the importance that school has in the education of the students and its role in society as agents of change.

General Evaluation of the project - Pools

General Evaluation Questionnaire 01.pdf
General Evaluation Questionnaire 02.pdf
General Evaluation Questionnaire 03.pdf