CReTNet and laboratory activities

Cross Regional Thematic Network


Concerning the priorities, the project supports individuals in acquiring and developing basic and key skills, in line with the European programme. They will allow participants to increase their capacity to operate and communicate at a transnational level, developing networks, exchanging and confronting ideas, practices and methods. Furthermore, they promote entrepreneurship, languages and digital skills.

They develop a partnership between schools and stakeholders, but also critical thinking and creativity to create a company. Additionally, the project strengthens the profile of the teaching in developing innovative teaching and assessment methods, as well as, the student's motivation, joining collaboration between all actors.

Within this scenario, CReTNet aims to implement the Key-Competences of the project among partners. The Cross-Regional Thematic Network will support the operational activities with online seminars. The topics to be processed are Web Marketing and Communication; eCommerce management, eCommerce solutions and Packaging; Green economy, green jobs, talents and start-up; Globalisation as a cultural, economic and social phenomenon; Corporate Sustainability; Using Magmagz to create online school magazine, SW for video montage; Sustainable tourism, cultural heritage and creative enterprise; Communication plan and business plan; Cultural Heritage and UNESCO between identity and business.

Each partner will include their topics to debate in the meeting. The topics will be developed using real cases and experiential learning and will be participated by experts.

Access to CReTNet portal is:

CReTNet Pools

CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ Social media Marketing.pdf
CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ How to build an eCommerce store.pdf
CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ Corporate Sustainability.pdf
CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ Glocalization and Globalization.pdf
CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ The role of strategy in business.pdf
CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ Corporate Social Responsibility.pdf
CRETNET activity - QUIZ_ going carbon neutral.pdf

Laboratory activities - E@Book of the Project

E@Book has images, pictures and short descriptions of the best moments of the project. The aim is to remember in pictures how the project evolved looking at the phases of the project. To visit Locals e@Book you can click here

Starting a Business in Europe - EBookGuide

Starting a Business in Europe.pdf