Basic Economic Principles


10-14 OCTOBER 2022

Workshops at school and visit in the Business Information and Cosultatnt Centre - Sandanski

On the 13th October the students taking part in the mobility in Bulgaria participated in an Entrepreneur workshops – the first one was prepared by teachers from the host school and the other was a visit in the BICCentre. In the 1st workshop students learnt how to make different kinds of tye-dye T-shirts and in the second workshop the manager of the centre told the students what the opportunities for youn entrepreneurs are, how they can take advantage of different supporting programmes from the EU and shared some hints on what a good business idea is. 

Visit a newly established local horse breeding business

On the 3rd day of the mobility, the participants together with students from the host country went to visit a newly established local horse breeding business. All participants went to horse riding base located near Sandanski in an ecologically clean area. This is family business, which is also unique for the region of Sandanski. In the area of the base there is a small restaurant which offers traditional Bulgarian food. In the base you can not only ride a horse, but you can also take part in team building activities. The students not only enjoyed themselves riding horses but also learned how to plant flowers. It was a really interesting trip and the participants met local entrepreneurs.