Frequently asked questions

When was Equity Matters established?

Equity Matters was established at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, in Cambridge, MA in December of 2018; although the first equity matters series did not launch until March of 2019.

How did Equity Matters come into existence?

Edward Walker was one of the members of the CEA leadership team that carried out a listening tour, which was an opportunity for educators to listen to other educators about their thoughts, expectations, needs and desires. As Walker explained it, "there was one recurring theme that kept coming up during his listening sessions" and that was a desire for educators to have a professional experience that would elevate and celebrate the works of fellow-educators. Subsequently, Walker came up with the Equity Matters framework, proposed the idea as a Professional Development opportunity to Principal Damon Smith - and consequently, Equity Matters was born.

How are EQ workshops chosen?

An application committee, comprised of CRLS educators, read and rated the proposals using a unique EQ rubric. Next, the selection committee and the EQ facilitator would convene and discuss the ratings - ultimately making 1 of three decisions: accept, deny, or accept with contingencies. All applicants that had a proposal that was accepted with contingencies were asked to consider making minor adjustments to their proposal/workshop so that it aligned with the EQ vision.

*The selection committee always reads to accept.

Who were the presenters?

Although founded and hosted by CRLS, presenters were CPS educators including teachers, staff, support services, paraprofessionals, community partner leaders, interns, and administrators. Essentially, any CPS employee who submitted a proposal that was accepted had the opportunity to present.

What feedback has been received from educators about Equity Matters?

100% of the recorded feedback about Equity Matters itself, highlighted the joy and appreciation that educators have had for the opportunities that Equity Matters has afforded. Some participants offered constructive criticism via their evaluations that reflected suggestions made to presenters; and, even then, the feeling was an overwhelmingly positive one. There has not been one session of Equity Matters when someone did not submit a testimonial stating, "This is the best PD that I have experienced at CRLS, since I've been here."

Can I earn PDPs, or master's plus credit for presenting at EQ Matters?

No. EQ matters counts as professional development for all high school participants who present or attend workshops. Additionally, presenters are compensated at a contractual rate, not for presenting, but for up to 10 hours of the prep time that went into the development of their presentations, including the research, practice, and curriculum design.