Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

During this regularly scheduled Learning Community Meeting, the staff will continue to explore the Zaretta Hammond, book, "Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students."

Presenters: Administrative Leadership Team

*This was an open discussion forum

Also presented in EQ2

Engaging all Families

"I only see the parents I don't need to see" has become a common statement made by CRLS educators. In this workshop, participants will learn about the importance of engaging all families, the role of the educator, and then talk about how they can connect with hard to-reach families in traditional and nontraditional ways. If we are ever to achieve equity, family engagement must be the responsibility of all.

Presenters: Greta Hardina & Debbie Bonilla

This presentation is currently unavailable

"Just a Kid from Cambridge" Understanding the Identity and Culture of Cantabrigians

Are you familiar with the different neighborhoods in Cambridge and the diverse populations that call them home? Come to this interactive workshop to discuss the ways in which students’ identity, race and culture are impacted by the geography, living conditions, and neighborhoods of Cambridge. Participants will gain a unique perspective of Cantabrigians, through the exploration of their challenges, achievements, and contributions to the city.

Presenters: LeRoy Gibson, Sara Reese, & Daniel Hikes

Also presented in EQ2

Masks Off

Talking through Bias It is important to speak our biases and work through them, instead of being told how to think, feel, and act, without exploring why we think, feel, and act the way that we do. In this 6-dimensional interactive workshop we will give voice to our biases, work through lively scenarios and engage in conversations that separate fact from fiction and get to the root of issues at hand.

Presenters: Tomika Moody

This presentation is not available

Also presented in EQ2

Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Communities

Preparing students for life-long success requires developing not only academic prowess, but their ability to navigate the social world. Explicit Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) opportunities help students build these skills. This interactive session focuses on the challenges of providing comprehensive SEL in diverse communities, including ELL and students with disabilities and will address the issues of culture, language and family engagement. The session will provide suggestions/strategies to assist in providing such services in diverse communities.

Presenter: Meghan Singh

Scratching the Surface: Computer Science for All

Come learn why computer science matters! In this workshop we will explore samples of culturally relevant and social justice-focused projects created by students and educators across the world, using

Scratch 3.0 – it’s free, simple, and fun. Learn how to creatively code stories, animations, and games. We will also share ideas and collaborate on curriculum design and implementation. No coding experience needed-- all you need is a love of storytelling.

Presenters: Nicole Hart, & Paige Graves

Also presented in EQ2

Trans Competency at CRLS

This workshop aims to increase staff’s knowledge and comfort level in using language when working with students who are Trans and gender non-conforming. Basic terms to use and to be avoided will be covered and best classroom practices will be discussed, such as introductions, pronouns, how to respond to misgendering, etc.

Presenters: Ashley Sitkin, Social Worker & Clayton Lightfoot, Social Worker Intern

Also presented in EQ2