School of Excellence


The enrollment period for the 2023-2024 National PTA School of Excellence program is NOW CLOSED. Enrollment closed on Oct. 15. You can check which local units are enrolled and actively working to achieve the 2023-2025 School of Excellence designation using this running list. Click the link and choose "Export to: Excel" to access an automatically updated report. 

Email with any questions.

Note: The School of Excellence program is designed for individual and local PTA units to make a direct impact at their schools. Therefore, the School of Excellence designation should not be sought by multiple schools under one PTA

Participating Schools 2024

Ramstein Intermediate School, Germany 

Stuttgart Elementary School, Germany 

2022-2024 NPTA Schools of Excellence

Grafenwoehr Elementary School, Germany 

Ramstein Intermediate School, Germany 

Sigonella Elementary School, Italy