Jongmin Park

Contact Information

  • Current Affiliation: Krafton (for alternative military service)

  • Email : jongmin15[at]

Educational Backgrounds

  • [2019/09~2021/08] M.S. in Electrical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea

  • [2015/03~2019/08] B.S. in Electrical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea

Professional Experiences

  • [2022/09~Present] Alternative Military Service, Krafton, Seoul, Korea

  • [2021/09~2022/08] Alternative Military Service, Spacewalk, Seoul, Korea

  • [2018/01~2021/08] Research Assistant, Dept. Electrical Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea

Research Interests

  • Intelligent Mobile System-on-Chip

  • ASIC/FPGA Implementation

  • Error Correction Code (ECC) for mobile systems

  • 5G Communication systems

Publications (with EPIC LAB)

  • International Journal Papers

    1. Seungsik Moon+, Younghoon Byun+, Jongmin Park, Sunggu Lee, and Youngjoo Lee*, "Memory-reduced network stacking for edge-level CNN architecture with structured pruning," IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 735-746, Dec. 2019. (Invited)

  • International Conference Proceedings

    1. Jongmin Park and Youngjoo Lee*, "Low-complexity DNN-based end-to-end automatic speech recognition using low-rank approximation," International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC), Yeosu, Korea, Oct. 2020.

    2. Seungsik Moon, Hyunhoon Lee, Younghoon Byun, Jongmin Park, Junseo Joe, Seokha Hwang, Sunggu Lee, and Youngjoo Lee*, "FPGA-based sparsity-aware CNN accelerator for noise-resilient edge-level image recognition," IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC), Macao, China, Nov. 2019, pp. 205-208. (Distinguished Design Award)

    3. Jongmin Park, Seungsik Moon, Younghoon Byun, Sunggu Lee, and Youngjoo Lee*, "Multi-level weight indexing scheme for memory-reduced convolutional neural network," IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 2019, pp. 284-287. (Student Travel Grant Award)

  • Patents

    1. Youngjoo Lee, Jongmin Park, and Young-Seok Kim, "Apparatus and method for reducing matrix product operation," PCT/KR2020/018531.

    2. 이영주, 박종민, 김영석, "행렬곱 연산량 감소 방법 및 장치," 출원번호: 10-2020-0150140.

Awards and Honors

  • Special Award (기업특별상), 21st Korea Semiconductor Design Contest, 2020.

  • Distinguished Design Award, IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC), 2019.

  • Student Travel Grant Award, IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS), 2019.