Miner Madness: Spring 2018

Middle school students are sitting at a table playing the Miner Madness board game. One student is reaching out and touching the pieces on the board while playing the game.

Summary of Game

Miner Madness is a collaborative, group player board game aimed at teaching critical and logical thinking. A team of miners has to navigate obstacles and avoid danger to uncover hidden treasure deep in the earth.

The team must work together to decide which direction to take, collecting gems, and finding other hidden treasures to make it easier to get to the finish and defeat the cave troll.

Keys to successful Gameplay include communication with other team members to combine moves and create functions in order to progress faster!

Middle school students are sitting at a table playing the Miner Madness board game. One student is reaching out and touching the pieces on the board while the Kendall instructor explains how to play. There is a TV screen in the background with the words "how to play" displayed.

Patterns from Observed Behavior:

Middle school students are sitting at a table playing the Miner Madness board game. One student is reaching out and touching the pieces on the board while playing the game.

Patterns from Interviews:

Middle school students are sitting at a table playing the Miner Madness board game. One student is reaching out and touching the pieces on the board while playing the game.

What do you think about the game?  

A middle school student's hands are shown picking up the Miner Madness box and reading the back of it.
Middle school students are sitting at a table playing the Miner Madness board game. One student is reaching out and touching the pieces on the board while playing the game.

What was your favorite part of the game?  

Middle school students are sitting around a table watching an animation on a TV associated with Miner Madness.

Did you find the animations before the game helpful?

Middle school students are sitting around a table watching an animation on a TV associated with Miner Madness.
A middle school student's hands are shown picking up the Miner Madness box and pointing at the characters depicted on the front.

What do you think about the characters?  

Middle schoolers' hands are shown pointing at the game board just as it has been first set up for playing. The game board as well as game cards have been set up on a table.

What do you learn about coding?