Battling Extinction


The Battling Extinction Educational App was created by KCAD faculty and students in collaboration with Kenowa Hills Public Middle School teachers and students as part of the EPIC Project.

App content

  • A 22 second animated introduction that is designed to attract the student's attention, set the expectation that they are about to have an entertaining experience and set up a sense of urgency around the topic of animal extinction.
  • A world map that acts as a navigation system. Student choose locations to visit and learn about specific animals. Four of the animals are commonly known and two are not.
  • Animal locations within the app include:
    • Extinction Status
    • An animated, interactive story about the cause of extinction. Each story page has a small amount of additional reading that provides information not in the animation.
    • Discussion Questions based on the 5 habits of mind.
    • Research resources
    • Review quiz
  • An overall assessment test that can be taken by students on-line.