Transition to Discipline Stage

TTD1 - Performing and presenting a basic history and physical (link to form)

This EPA may be done on the following rotations:

  • PMU PGY1

  • ED PGY1

  • Clinics

  • Transition to Discipline Outpatient Clinics (Ped Clinics, GI, Card, Resp and Nephro)

  • Floor (Night) Call

TTD2 - Documenting orders for pediatric patients (link to form)

This EPA may be done on the following rotations:

  • PMU PGY1

  • ED PGY1

  • Clinics

  • Transition to Discipline Outpatient Clinics (Ped Clinics, GI, Card, Resp and Nephro)

  • Floor (Night) Call