
The following is the list of procedures found on the FOD7 EPA Form (link to form) and COD9 EPA Form (link to form). For a list of the rotations each procedure is likely to be obtianed, please view the Foundation and Core Procedure Pages.

List of Foundation Procedures (FOD7):

  • bag valve mask ventilation

  • intubation alone

  • intubation with bag valve mask ventilation

  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ventilation and massage, defibrillation in core)

  • intraosseous injection

  • IV insertion

  • lumbar puncture in neonates and infants

  • changing tracheostomy tubes for obstruction or decannulation;

  • needle thoracostomy in neonate

  • simple wound closure

  • immobilization of a injured limb

List of Core Procedures (COD9)

  • accessing port-a-cath

  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation (defibrillation)

  • chest tube

  • ear curettage

  • G-tube reinsertion

  • immunization (intramuscular)

  • immunization (subcutaneous)

  • lumbar puncture with/without injection in preschool/school age child

  • managing occlusion in long-term access line

  • nasogastric/orogastric tube

  • nasopharyngeal swab

  • obtaining an EKG

  • phlebotomy

  • surfactant administration

  • throat swab

  • umbilical arterial line

  • umbilical venous line

  • urinary catherization