day- by day

Innovation Month 1

October 1

I/C: About this class, Why are we here?

• How will we communicate? Twitter, Hashtags, Fast Company (sign up for one!)

• Resources (Things and People)

• The classroom as an Incubator

• Common Language & The Four Questions: What is? What if? What wows? What works?

Go here and fill out our facebook

Whom should you follow on Twitter

If we get time: New kinds of companies

H/W: Come up with 5 possible twitter hashtags (#’s) that we could use to organize our tweets on this course. Can someone create a google doc and share with the class so we can decide on which #HASHTAG to use).

Find an article and tweet it include description and #hashtag and

Read this: The real definition of Entrepreneur

October 3

I/C: What hastag did you come up? Why is it a good #hastag? Did you try and do a search with this hastag? Sketch out your idea and post it on the class board. Let's look for a similar idea and combine them! Let's talk about Fast Company and why you should subscribe to one of their domains.

Our agreed on #hastag #startupmmt

Introduction to Design Thinking:

Design Thinking Methodology and Research Methodology (downloads) this did not happen we will cover this on October 16

H/W: Research your idea, look at the landscape for competitors, what are they doing that you can do better and find an article and tweet it, include description and #hashtag and read this: The GoldieBox Story

October 9

I/C: Explore an online course on Entrepreneurship offerings. Sign up for one!

About 4% of the people that sign up for a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) complete the course. How would you solve for the following with regard to online courses: Sampling, Auditing, Engaging?

H/W: Begin the online course, how long can you remain engaged before you give up?

and find an article and tweet it include description and #hashtag

and read this:

History’s greatest entrepreneurs

October 16

I/C: Defining Problems


Try the "Problem Activity" with your family. What happened?

Find an article and tweet it include description and #hashtag and read this:

Ah Ha Moments

October 20

I/C: Observations, Interviews, Market, Inspiration Research Synthesis, Problems and Solutions, Big Idea.

The templates related to the above are in your PDF booklet.

H/W: Look for Inspirations for your idea and paste on the “what i want boards” and find an article and tweet it, include a description and #hashtag and read this:

Serial Entrepreneurs

October 28

I/C: Observations, Interviews, Market, Inspiration Research Synthesis, Problems and Solutions, Big Idea.

Continue to work on BOARDS

H/W: find an article and tweet it, include a description and #hashtag and read this:

How Startup Funding Works.

October 30

I/C: Observations, Interviews, Market, Inspiration Research Synthesis, Problems and Solutions, Big Idea.

Continue to work on BOARDS

H/W: find an article and tweet it, include a description and #hashtag and read this:

Why the Gig Economy Won't Last!

Keep Going - Month 2

November 5


Guest Entrepreneur Maurya Courves co-founder of ScriptEd, a nonprofit organization that brings computer programming courses to schools in low-income communities.

Pitch Your Big Idea to your classmates


November 10

I/C: Research and Ideation

H/W: Read this: What’s the difference between an accelerator and an incubator?

November 12

Guest Entrepreneur Jonathan Axelrod from ERA to talk with students on workshops/incubators/accelerator - all methodologies entrepreneurs use to develop an idea. Jonathan Axelrod is a technology and media entrepreneur. A veteran of emerging technologies, he is an active entrepreneur, investor and start-up advisor.

I/C: Research and Ideation

H/W: Read this: What’s the difference between a business model and business plan?

November 18

I/C: Research and Ideation

H/W: Read This: eric reis on how to make any company a startup

November 20

I/C: Research and Ideation

H/W: What needs to happen for impact investing to be the world changing force it could be!

November 24

Get Feedback

H/W: No Homework - take a day off!

You're an Entrepreneur! - Month 3 and 4

December 3

Finalize research, Synthesize research, and hone in on your Big Idea

December 5

Big Idea Presentation and Feedback

December 9

Prototype your idea

December 15

Guest Entrepreneur Yuni Sameshima from Yuni is on of the co-founders of this company "From recipe discovery to ingredient delivery" a new paradigm in eating. Yuni is a past fellow at ff Venture Capital. A firm believer in the power of positive thinking and hard work, he is excited to change the world through technology and innovation. Yuni studied Molecular Biology and Economics at Colgate University. Yuni's blog documents 18 entries and is interesting to read as you witness an entrepreneur starting to grow.

Prototype Your idea

December 17

Run Prototype and Pitch your idea

January 6

Your learning Launches

Design on Ramp

January 12

Your learning Launches

Design on Ramp

January 14

Design on Ramp

January 16

Guest Entrepreneur Kelly Hoey from , Speaker, Strategist and CMO.

Kelly Hoey is the Chief Marketing Officer at Cuurio. She is an angel investor and is active in the startup community as an accelerator mentor, startup advisor, board member, and thought leader. Kelly has built key platforms for spotlighting innovation and trends with Apple and Google, for whom she curates monthly panels. In 2011, Kelly co-founded Women Innovate Mobile (WIM), the first tech accelerator program for mobile tech startups with gender diverse founding teams. According to Fast Company, she’s one of the smartest women on Twitter and according to Forbes, she’s an up-and-comer at age 48!


January 23


January 27

Final Pitch

January 29

Final Pitch

Alternative Assignments

To Read or To Watch?

With regard to the readings for homework, if you prefer to watch and not read you can do that here instead.