Catapult Ideas (now NetZero

entrepreneurship workshop for nysais



8:30am - Registration 2

9:00am - Program start w/ Introductions 2

9:20am - Sticky Note Activity 3

9:30am - Group Hopes/Challenges Share Out 3

9:40am - Don’s Talk 3

9:55am - Walk through schedule for the day 4

10:00am - DT Activity Overview 5

10:15am - DT Step 1: Define the problem using Empathy 5

10:45am - DT Step 2: Develop various solutions via Ideation 6

11:15am - DT Step 3: Design prototype to test assumptions + hypotheses (MVP) 7

11:45am - DT Step 4/5: Test prototype/MVP with prospective customers + pitch 7

12:15pm - Share out DT Experience + Group Debrief 8

12:30pm - LUNCH 8



1:35pm - E1: Mentors 8

1:38pm - E2: Tribe 8

1:41pm - E3: Specialists 8

1:45pm - E4: Parents 8

1:50pm - Explain Ecosystem Activity + Objectives 9

1:55pm - Group Ecosystem Teacher Activity 9

2:20pm - Group share about their ecosystem strategies 9

2:40pm - Group Debrief + Insights 9

3:00pm - Next steps + additional resources 9

3:15pm - Survey/Feedback 9


8:30am - Registration

  • Josh + Chris arrive at 8am to set up the room
  • Don to arrive at 8:30am

9:00am - Program start w/ Introductions

  • Welcome from Josh (10 mins)
    • Thank you
    • Story of Catapult
      • Chris
        • Catapult’s Evolution
      • Catapult’s Numbers w/ stories of students
      • Catapult’s Why
    • My Background

    • Objective for working with NYSAIS
      • Ent. edu is growing and many of you have already been building programs.
      • Our goal is to share our insights and best practices, along with being a continued resources, to continue to help expose more young people to ent. and
    • I will pass it off to Chris
  • Chris (10 mins)
    • Personal Background
      • No one told me about ent. and and alt. Journey
      • My role at Catapult
    • Details of Catapult’s approach
      • Founders + Free Agents
      • Program structure
        • 12-weeks
          • Session 1
          • Session 2
          • Session 3
          • Between sessions virtual support
    • We’ve received a lot of requests from teachers and are currently in the process of learning how teachers are best supported. We hope that insights from failures will help teachers support and encourage youth entrepreneurship.
    • Secret Sauce - The key approach -- we take the best-in-class information around entrepreneurship and distill it in a way that young people and digest it and act on immediately.
    • Pass of to Don
  • Don (5 mins)
    • Personal background
    • Segway into Sticky Note Activity

9:20am - Sticky Note Activity

  • Main questions:
    • 1) “Hopes for Today”
    • 2) “Challenges they face to enhance current offerings and/or to add entrepreneurship programs

9:30am - Group Hopes/Challenges Share Out

  • Think - pair - share

9:40am - Don’s Talk

  • Outline the current education landscape of Design - Maker - Innovation - Entrepreneurship - Business
  • Share stores/examples of each of the phases and how Don’s worked with schools previously
  • Talk to the “hopes” and “challenges” brought up from the Sticky Note Activity
  • End with the Entrepreneurship phase/programming needing two components:
    • 1) “Concrete”: DT + Innovation + Biz Curriculum/Structure
    • 2) “Ecosystem”: (Similar to project based learning in regards to leveraging diverse insights and individuals)

9:55am - Walk through schedule for the day

  • Drawing more details to “Concrete” (DT exercise and workshop in the morning) and “Ecosystem” insights and how to integrate into programming in the afternoon.

10:00am - DT Activity Overview

Overall Framework (Josh)

  • Define the problem using Empathy
  • Develop various solutions via Ideation
  • Design prototype based on various solutions to test assumptions + hypotheses
  • Test prototype with prospective customers
  • Integrate insights from test and repeat the process
  • Entrepreneurship is iterative

    • End with Steve Blank quote about ‘a startup is an canvas covered with ideas and guesses in search of a scalable and sustainable business model’...this talks to how different “entrepreneurships” is from “business” and why they need to be treated differently.

Why we take this approach (Josh)

  • Taking the first step can be hard. Preconceived notions of starting a business (i.e. - business plan, financials, marketing, etc.) can be daunting and prohibit students from even wanting to start. DT allows us to limit the focus and to create small tangible steps for students to jumpstart the process.

Talk about the framework for the next 90 mins (Chris)

  • Walk through the framework we do with students to jumpstart this interest.
  • This could be a 2 hour event, or a full-day (such as what we’re doing with HBS).
  • The purpose of doing this with you is to not only expose you to the process, but to share along the way our insights and behind the scene purpose to each step
  • Any questions?
  • Let’s Go!

10:15am - DT Step 1: Define the problem using Empathy

Activity Slide:

Ask, Answer, Watch

an interview technique to find people’s Needs that aren’t being met.


15-20 Needs, each on a separate post-it note. From which the group will select only 1 to move forward with.

Time 20 Minutes

Insights Slide:

  • Framing needs as verbs leads to more generative ideation later on
  • Juicy stories are best, this requires a good interviewer.
  • A good Need will serve as ‘True North’ for a team for many months or even years

10:45am - DT Step 2: Develop various solutions via Ideation


  • It’s a commonly held belief that some folks are born with an innate ability to be creative, and others aren’t. Actually, everyone can have great ideas with the right environment, prompts, and habits. Creativity isn’t about creative people, it’s about creative acts.

Activity 1: Brief activity to warm them up (5 mins)

  • Ground rules for Ideation:
    • Quantity vs. Quality
    • Only state the idea and “Yes, and…”
    • One idea per post-it
  • Pencil - in one song, name all the different purposes for using a pencil

Activity Slide:

½ Sheet Ideation

a quick, collaborative way to get ideas from your head onto paper.


15-20 Solutions that each solve the selected Need from earlier. From which the group will select only 1 to move forward with.

Time 20 Minutes

Insights Slide:

  • Creative Collaboration is a new concept for most high school students
  • Separate the ‘Ideation’ and ‘Critique’ stages of ideation.
  • Encourage ‘Ideation’ outside of the classroom

11:15am - DT Step 3: Design prototype to test assumptions + hypotheses (MVP)

Activity Slide:

Prototyping - with the Marvel app.

Turn your hand drawn paper prototype into a real app!


App created in Marvel, or another Prototype that is ready to be tested by potential customers


30 Minutes

Insights Slide:

  • Bias for action, help break down barriers to action
  • Your MVP will look NOTHING like your polished product.
  • Start by improving on existing solutions

11:45am - DT Step 4/5: Test prototype/MVP with prospective customers + pitch

Activity Slide:

Test, Analyze, Iterate.

Talking with customers to rapidly speed up learning and likelihood of success


Actionable insights that you can use to improve your app


30 Minutes

Insights Slide:

  • Talking to real customers is scary
  • Making failure positive
  • The marketplace is the ultimate decider

12:15pm - Share out DT Experience + Group Debrief

Feedback from teachers

  • Anything surprising?
  • Areas to adopt within existing curriculum?
  • Areas still confusing?

12:30pm - LUNCH




  • Power and effectiveness comes through our robust and strategic ecosystem
  • You can set up a similar system of support for your students
  • Draw parallels to traditional adult incubators
  • Ours is:
    • Mentors
    • Tribe
    • Specialists + Speakers
    • Parents

  • Let’s dive in!

1:35pm - E1: Mentors

1:38pm - E2: Tribe

1:41pm - E3: Specialists

1:45pm - E4: Parents

1:50pm - Explain Ecosystem Activity + Objectives

1:55pm - Group Ecosystem Teacher Activity

2:20pm - Group share about their ecosystem strategies

2:40pm - Group Debrief + Insights

  • Tools to activate your network
    • College counselor
      • Internship program
    • Service learning
      • opportunities
    • Development
      • Networks
    • Parents
      • Parents night for ent. Class
    • People in the room!

3:00pm - Next steps + additional resources

  • Options for teachers
  • Options for students

3:15pm - Survey/Feedback

Link to Google Survey:

  • Maybe we add one about interested in staying in touch with Catapult opportunities?
  • Or maybe “Catapult consulting services”