
Nina Nagy

Nina Nagy graduated from Spirit Rock Community Dharma Teacher Leader program in 2012. Her primary mentors have been Gina Sharpe and Mathew Flickstein of the Forest Way. She has also studied under Bhikku Bodhi.

She has formerly taught in various venues in Connecticut and New York including Wainwright House, New York Insight Meditation Center, The Yoga Shala, the Community Mindfulness Project and the Ridgefield Parks & Recreation Center.

Presently, she teaches at Westchester Insight, Bedford Hills, N.Y., The Unitarian Church in Westport, CT and in New Canaan, CT.

She is also a trauma practitioner trained at the Trauma Healing Institute, Boulder, Co. Her website is Awake Abiding and her email is awakeabiding@gmail.com.

Richard Smith

Richard Smith began meditating in 2001 and has completed advanced study and practice classes in Buddhism at New York Insight Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society and Chuang Yen Monastery. He graduated in 2012 from the two-year Community Dharma Leader Program of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Richard has been regularly teaching insight (Vipassana) meditation in Westchester County since 2010. You can contact him at VipassanaRichard@gmail.com.

Katy Wiss

Katy Wiss is currently taking part in the four-year Spirit Rock Teacher Training Program under the mentorship of Larry Yang, Gina Sharpe, and Lila Wheeler. She graduated in 2012 from the Community Dharma Leaders Program of Sprit Rock Meditation Center. She has also completed advanced study and practice courses at Sprit Rock, New York Insight Meditation Center and Chuang Yen Monastery (with Bhikkhu Bodhi). Her practice focuses on ways to bring together the spiritual study of insight and kindness with the academic and personal study of relational communication. Her aspiration is for relational communication to begin to repair suffering or for the attention to suffering to repair relational communication. She is also interested in meditation, pain, and chronic illness. Upcoming Retreats & Teachings

Gina Sharpe

Gina Sharpe, Founding Teacher, is also co-founder of the New York Insight Meditation Center where she was Guiding Teacher and member of the Board of Directors for more than 15 years. Trained as a retreat teacher in a joint Teacher Training Program of Spirit Rock Meditation Center and Insight Meditation Society, she has been teaching retreats at various venues around the United States including Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Insight Meditation Society, Garrison Institute, Mid America Dharma, Show Me Dharma and for several years taught at the only Maximum Security Prison for women in New York State. She has been teaching the Dharma since 1994.