6 урок

Четверть IV.Урок 6. ( Unit6, Lesson5) How to learn a language effectively? Как эффективно учит язык?

1. Повторите правило: Условные предложения( I,II,III типа). Сослагательное наклонение. ( Subjunctive mood)

Условные предложения с 'if' https://youtu.be/5C9cW9P0wnw


Повторение ВСЕХ 3 типов условных предложений https://youtu.be/MAogLlSCw6U

2. Language teachers offer many tips to help students to learn a new language effectively.( ex.1, p.153) a) Read and translate the tips.( устно)

b) Напишите каждое из следующих предложений трижды ( If clause I, II, III- Условные предложения I, II, III типа) и напишите перевод одного из предложений

I и II или III типа)

Example: (Например:)

0) If you( to find) ways to make language learning fun, you (to improve) your English.

a) If you find ways to make language learning fun, you will improve your English.

b) If you found ways to make language learning fun this week, you would improve your English. Если бы вы нашли занимательные способы изучения языка на этой неделе, вы бы совершенствовали знания английского языка.

c) If you had found ways to make language learning fun last month, you would have improved your English.

1. If you ( to listen) to songs in English , you ( to understand) a new culture better.

2. If Kate ( to watch) TV and films as often as possible, she ( to expand) her vocabulary.

3. Students (not to make) progress in English, when they ( not to do) exercises regularly and (not to take) tests.

4. If you( to exchange) email letters and ( to make) friends with native speakers, you (to speak) English fluently.

5. You (can) discuss materials studied in class with your classmates, when you ( to learn) a foreign language at school.

6. It ( to provide) good practice of the language, if students ( to take) courses by computer effectively.