1 Урок

Документ содержит задание на 1 урок + домашнее задание. В каждом упражнении помечено как его выполнять in written form – письменно; Orally – устно. Выполнять задание можно в самом документе.

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Day 1.

Unit 8. Lesson 1 How do you spend you free time?

Look at the title of the unit. (How do you spend you free time?)

Let’s create your own cluster. Remember as many words as possible on this topic.

I’ll give you the example.

Ниже приведены фразы, с помощью которых можно спросить и рассказать о своем свободном времени и досуге. Повторите их.

What do you do for fun? Чем вы занимаетесь на досуге? Как вы отдыхаете?

What do you do in your spare time? Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?

What do you do in your free time? Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?

Изучите пару коротких диалогов про свободное время, в которых люди рассказывают о различных увлечениях.

1. — What do you do for fun?

— I’m a huge basketball fan. When I was a student, I used to play

professional basketball.*

— Do you play basketball now?

— I still play basketball a lot, but not on a professional team./

2. — What do you do for fun?

— I like music.

— Do you play an instrument?

— I play the piano. I can sing too.

*I used to play professional basketball/ Я профессионально занимался баскетболом; обратите внимание, что конструкция английской фразы не соответствует русскому эквиваленту.

The next task is connected with your student’s book.

A) Read and translate the text.B) deal with some new words.C) Answer the questions:- Why do the children like doing these activities?Which activities do you like doing in your free time? Which activities don’tyou like? Why?2) Why do the children like doing these activities?3) Which activities do you like doing in your free time? Which activities don’tyou like? Why?4) What’s your opinion about what Tom, Linda and Robert do in their free time?- Which activities do you like doing in your free time? Which activities don’t you like? Why?- What’s your opinion about what Tom, Linda and Robert do in their free time?

Do the ex. orally.

Now let’s deal with the ex. (in written form)

Now you know a lot of new words and word combinations. And the question is: What do you do in your free time?

You h/t will be ex.4 p.146. Talk about your favourite after-school activities. Create your own sentences. Learn by heart new words from the wordbox.

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