1 Урок 10 класс

Step one.

Watch the video and do the tasks.

Поставьте глаголы из скобок в необходимую форму.

  • If he … (be) my friend, I … (invite) him to the party.

  • If I … (be) taller, I … (become) a basketball player.

  • If an asteroid … (hit) our planet, it … (cause) an ice age.

  • John … (travel) around the world if he … (win) a lottery prize.

  • We … (go) to Spain this winter if we … (have) enough money.

  • She … (not mind) if you … (borrow) her car.

  • If you … (move) to another city, I … (phone) you every day.

  • They … (laugh) at me if I … (sing) this song.

  • If we … (have) free time, we … (start) a new hobby.

  • If I … (know) her secret, I … (not tell) it to anyone.

2. Составьте условные предложения II типа, используя данные слова в необходимой форме. Переведите.

Н-р: the questions be so easy/ all of us pass the test. – If the questions were so easy, all of us would pass the test. (Если бы вопросы были такими легкими, мы все сдали бы тест.)

  • he be slim/ he be more attractive.

  • I pick the children up/ I am not busy.

  • you drink much wine/ you feel sleepy.

  • I am married/ I have lunch at home.

  • Peter live in a house/ he have a dog.

3. Замените условные предложения I типа (реальное условие) на условные предложения II и III типа (нереальное условие).

Н-р: If we make a fire, we will frighten away the wolves. (Если мы разожжем костер, мы спугнем волков.) – If we madea fire, we would frighten away the wolves. (Если бы мы разожгли костер, мы бы спугнули волков.)

  • If you leave the child alone, he will hurt himself.

  • We’ll make nice pictures if Paola brings a camera.

  • If it snows, the kids will make a snowman.

  • I’ll buy this laptop if I have enough money.

  • If our granny puts on her glasses, she will see the flowers.

  • If you are too busy, we’ll leave you alone.

  • I will plant the tomatoes tomorrow if it rains.

  • If Bob finds his relatives, he will live with them.


Слуцкая Елена Васильевна 8(918)321-98-10

Савочкина Мария Петровна Mpsavochkina@mail.ru