Health Council Background


The following serves as a guide to those who wish to pursue meaningful community-engaged relationships with health councils across the state of New Mexico.


New Mexico is unique in that there are currently over 40 Health Councils, representing 33 counties and 9 Tribal Nations. Established in 1991 by the New 

Mexico legislature, reaffirmed in 2019 by the County and Tribal Health Councils Act (HB 137), health councils identify needs, resources, and priorities to improve community health. The New Mexico Department of Health (DOH), Public Health Division, and DOH Health Promotions Teams work collaboratively to support health councils.

There is a growing interest from researchers, project coordinators, organizations, and others to attend New Mexico Health Council meetings as they provide a wealth of information about community needs and health priorities. Engaging with community members through a health council allows for collaboration aimed at achieving health policy reform, research equity or social justice; creating opportunities to demonstrate cutting-edge approaches to address community-identified priorities; and understanding complex health problems by county (Page-Reeves & Regino, 2018). Recent collaborative efforts also aim to include local data for decision making, which allows deep engagement with health councils to support community well-being. As interest in attending health councils increases from individuals outside of communities, obtaining guidance and support can help interested parties better understand and respect the culture of each individual health council.

We hope the following points help guide you in connecting with NM Health Councils.

General Health Council Info

The following information may help to better understand and navigate Health Councils:

Tribal Health Councils

Tribal Health Councils are not open to the public, however if a project is of mutual interest, you may be invited to attend. It is also important to note that the New Mexico Alliance of Health Councils…

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This resource was created in the spirit of supporting each other through our shared interest in community engagement through health councils. Please share this resource with others whom you think would benefit from the information provided.