God Is So In Love With You!

My greatest mission in life is to minister Salvation to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.  For that reason and because I want you to have the best in life, I ask that you would take a few minutes to read this letter.

My Dearest Friend,

I need to let you know that Jesus Loves You.  He loves you so much He would rather die for you, than live without you.  Now that's love, real love.  He loves you and He wants you to have total Victory in every area of your life.

Jesus wants you free.  Free from your past and all the things that  will hold you back from fulfilling your purpose in life and achieving your dreams and goals.  Jesus wants you free to be all God created you to be.  He loves you and  wants you to have the best in life.  God knows all about you.  He knows the mistakes you have made in your life.  He knows the hurt, pain, and disappointments you have gone through and maybe caused others.  Jesus wants to free you from the pain, the hurts, and the memories that haunt you.  Let Jesus set you free; free from the prison of your past and future, by asking Him into your life as your Savior and allowing Him to become Lord of all of your life.  By doing this you will have a life of Love, Joy, Peace, Victory, Success, Freedom, and so much more.

God said in His word, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,  and he that comes to Me (Jesus) I will no wise cast out."  If you will confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved.  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Rom. 10:9,10,13).

Please Pray This Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father, "I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.  I believe that  You God raised Jesus from the dead.  God I'm so sorry for all the wrong I have done.  Please forgive me.  I repent (I turn from anything that is not pleasing to You).  Jesus I’m calling upon You to save me right now!  Jesus come live in my heart and be my Savior and Lord (boss) of my life.  Make me the person You will be proud to call Your child.  Fill me with the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Make every desire I have line up to the purpose You created me for.  God I Thank You in Jesus name for loving me, saving me, forgiving me, cleansing me with Your blood, and filling me with Your Holy Spirit."   Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Amen. 

God Is So In Love With You!
Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., B.S., BCPCLC
Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach

PS: Welcome to the family of God!  We Love You!  The angels in heaven are rejoicing (they are dancing) at this very moment because of you and what you have just done.  I will be praying that you will allow God to lead you to a local church that teaches and preaches the Word Of God.

                                                                                    Copyright ©2020 By Linda Flagg, Reproduction Without Written Authorization Prohibited.