2nd Meeting on Cognition & Language

November 6, 7 and 8, 2019

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU

The 2nd Meeting on Cognition & Language (2MC&L) is part of a continuing effort to encourage philosophical discussions about cognition and language in Brazil and to contribute to research in philosophy of mind and cognitive sciences.

Its main goals are (1) to create a space for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research on current topics in cognition, philosophy of mind and language and (2) to promote the interaction of young and experienced researchers.

Specific goals:

To discuss descriptive, explanatory and functional approaches on cognition and language in order to (1) examine the importance attributed to the body - an organism in a certain environment - in the contemporary literature on cognition and language; (2) explore possible links between linguistic processing and the sensorimotor apparatus, on the one hand, and between linguistic and higher cognitive processes, on the other; (3) discuss the role of representations in the explanation of basic and higher cognitive processes.

Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to, intentionality, mental representations, embodied cognition, enactive cognition, memory, social cognition, the role of dynamic and complex systems in cognition and language, and the relationships between thought and language, perception and language , language and action.

The meeting will have invited talks by Brazilian and international speakers, as well as talks in Portuguese and English selected through blind review of submitted abstracts. For more details, see 'submissions'.

The 2MC&L also includes a symposium dedicated to the book Linguistic Bodies: the continuity between life and language (MIT Press, 2018), with the participation of the authors and commentators. See program for more information.

Promoting Institution:

UFU's Graduate Program in Philosophy

Supported by:

Unifesp's Graduate Program in PhilosophyUFMT's Graduate Program in PhilosophyUFRGS's Graduate Program in PhilosophyBrazilian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SBFA)