Leadership Development

Increase Your Humanity and Increase Your Happiness

What is Leadership Development?

Executive education is an investment that many companies make, but few see a profit from it. In part, due to the fact that traditional educational institutions can't teach the soft skills vital to success today, people don't always remain with companies that paid for their training, and learners are often unable to apply the lessons they learn in the classroom to their jobs.

Organisations or individuals are no longer able to achieve success using traditional approaches to leadership development.

Why Is Leadership Development Important?

Three things stand out. (1) Organizations that pay for leadership development don't always benefit as well as individuals. (2) Providers fail to develop the soft skills that organizations require. (3) Lessons learned in class are often difficult to apply to real life.

There has never been a more urgent need for leadership development. Organizations of all types realize they need leadership skills and organizational capabilities that differ from those that helped them succeed in the past if they want to keep their competitive advantage in today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment. Leaders are also beginning to recognize that leadership development shouldn't be limited to chief executives. Increasingly, employees are expected to make meaningful decisions that align corporate strategy with their personal goals as collaborative problem-solving platforms spread across the organization and digital "adhocracy" emerges that elicits individual initiative. The importance of equipping them with relevant communication, relationship, and technical skills cannot be overstated.

Traditional training programs do not adequately prepare executive leaders for the environment they will be working in tomorrow. For companies to lead cohesive, proactive collaborations, they are looking for the skills in communication, interpretation, affect, and perception. However, the majority of executive education programs-engineered as extensions to or replacements for MBAs-seriously undervalue relational, communication, and affective skills while concentrating on discipline-based skills.

Programs that provide executive education do not meet their stated objectives. "Lifelong learning" has been used as a buzzword for decades by corporations and universities, but it still does not exist in reality. In traditional executive education, this goal cannot be achieved because it is episodic, exclusive, and expensive. It's not surprising that top business schools, such as Rotman and HBS, have seen a significant increase in demand for customisable, cohort-based programs that help companies meet their specific talent-development goals. As a result, corporate universities and the personal learning cloud-the growing mix of online courses, social and interactive platforms, and online learning tools from both traditional institutions and upstarts-are filling the gap.

A look at the 7 factors that influence the effectiveness of executive leadership development

Leading development initiatives have more impact when? There are seven factors that affect performance improvements in organizations.

This is the first thing. Identifying and assessing talent

The second point is. Securing key stakeholder support

The third point is crucial. Choose the leadership style that best suits you

The fourth point is important. Identify the leadership competencies that are critical

The fifth point is: Assessment of key leadership competencies

This is the sixth point. Developing leadership development plans

The seventh point is. Assess leadership continuously from multiple perspectives

With our leadership training experiences, we provide profound and lasting benefits for individuals and their careers.

Organizations that value leadership development have proven to be more effective at developing leaders and launching the right people into the right roles - which, in turn, leads to greater innovation and greater financial performance.

For a leadership development plan to be successful, key leadership competencies need to be identified for current and future success of the organization. In the developmental plan, these competencies serve as the foundation. Developing them means ensuring their readiness to meet the present challenges and to face the unknown crises of tomorrow.

It is also important that senior leadership, the manager or supervisor of the targeted employee(s), and the employee all buy into the leadership development plan. It is essential for senior management, management/supervisors, and employees to have a mutual understanding of the goal, how it will be achieved, by when, and who will participate in the plan.

Doing is the most effective way for people to learn.

You'll want to make sure you're investing in your team's leadership development now that you understand the importance of it. Get to know our leadership solutions to help your organization engage and strengthen the talent that will propel it forward.

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Understanding You through the Four Lenses Assessment

At Shipley Communication, we believe that each person is unique and has their own strengths and motivations. Four Lenses is a proven personality assessment that assists organizations in identifying a person's innate talents and potential. Four Lenses was created through research based on Myers Briggs' Personality Type Indicator, as well as modifications of this instrument by David Keirsey in his book, Please Understand Me. The instrument has been simplified to provide a more satisfying experience with longer-lasting application retention.