Social Media and Broadcast

Although Roar is primarily a print newspaper, we've taken strides to improve our social media and online presence. This volume was the first volume we hired not one, but two social media managers. In the prior volume, I had taken on the impromptu role of social media manager, and I only posted things related to Roar meetings and publishing and directed my focus more on my job as a section editor. However, in creating this designated role this year, we were able to establish our Instagram as not just centered around the actual paper, but also as an easily accessible outlet for news and announcements. Especially during the Newton Teachers strike, the Roar kept up to date daily with coverage and information on Instagram. 

The numbers speak volumes — we gained several hundred followers on Instagram this year, and it's exciting to see our platform expand!

Visit our Instagram page here!

We also have a YouTube!!! Although we're sitting a sparse amount of subscribers, we post fun content on there. Whether it's a pizza crawl vlog to accompany one of our pizza review opinions articles or a gym vlog (just for fun!), it's certainly a step in the right direction as the Roar continues to diversify our platform.

Check out our content: @nshslionsroar