
Page design

Frankly, I'm a nerd when it comes to design. Especially for fonts — I've been affectionately dubbed by the rest of our senior staff as "the font police." I've been artistically involved my entire life, and thus I've channeled my passion into each and every one of my newspaper spreads. I've always been passionate about page design, and as a print newspaper, we have the facilities to really get creative with layouts! I've taken strides as Co-Editor-in-Chief to foster more communication between graphics/photos with section editors, increase infographics, and play around with colors and shapes to further improve the aesthetics of our paper.

Here are some spreads where I let my creativity roam! (I've loved playing around with color, especially for blurb page designs)

Increased use of infographics (I laid this page to accompany the centerfold article, Defend the Den, on High School athlete injuries)

See page 14 

A snapshot into my font obsession :) 

Notes and photos from NSPA (Laura Schaub, Typographical Personalities)