I am multifaceted just like all others.
As all people are, I am multifaceted with little pockets of interest and study making up a whole, complex person. This website is my attempt to both separate my talents for showcase and bring them together under one roof. Below you'll find several options to explore my various aspects, and I hope you find a connection between you and me.Â
I married my best friend on Dia de los Muertos 2014, and we live in a house-of-seven-colors with our two kitties, Shockey and Hotz. I enjoy carding and spinning wool in my craft room, then wearing the yarn I produce as hair extensions. I left my job with Loyola University to have my beautiful baby boy, and due to Covid-circumstances graduated from Florida State University with my MS in Information. I am trying to build a collection of awesome eye glasses to match my scarf collection, but my prescription keeps changing.