Emilien Macault

Welcome on my personal website. News and bio feature below and my resume is available here (French, Sept. 2023).

Contact: emilien dot  macault at  univ-lorraine dot  fr

You can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter  




I am a theoretical economist, interested in social learning and information dynamics in games. My papers develop theoretical tools to study the impact of disinformation and fake-news, network externalities in information agregation and environmental decision making. 

Since September 2023, I am an Assistant Professor (Maître de conférences) at Université de Lorraine. I teach data science and statistical learning for economics. I am in charge of the statistics track for the master degree ESEF (Statistical Expertise for Economics and Finance). I am a affiliated researcher at the BETA economics lab and the Center for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST).

Previously, I was Microeconomics Coordinator at ENSAE Paris, in charge of handling recruitment and organization for all microeconomics courses taught at ENSAE Paris and coordinating the "Data Science and Business Decision" engineering degree and the M2 Master in Economics at Institut Polytechnique de Paris. 

I completed my doctoral studies at HEC Paris in the Economics and Decision Science department and CNRS unit GREGHEC, under the supervision of Tristan Tomala