Organized Seminars

During the academic year 2019-2020, I organized the Parisian Game Theory Seminar for PhD students at Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP). Seminars take place every Monday morning from 10 to 11 at IHP and are followed by the Parisian Game Theory Seminar from 11 to 12. If you are interested in attending or presenting, please warn me by mail. Here is complete list of talks:

  • December 2nd, 2019: Emilien Macault, Learning in Dynamic Routing Games with Symmetric Incomplete Information (slides).

  • December 9th, 2019: Felipe Garrido, Matching Games.

  • December 16th,2019: Atulya Jain, Dynamic Cheap-Talk with no Monitoring.

The seminar was unfortunately stopped out of epidemic restrictions.

I have been working as president of the HEC PhD Students Association since February 2018 and launched an internal PhD Seminar. You can contact me for additional information.

  • February 28th, 2018: Rahul Anand, How do firm political connections impact foreign acquisitions.

  • April 4th, 2018: Poonacha Medappa, A Study of Team Composition and Ownership in Open Source Software Projects.

  • May 7th, 2018: Elena Plaksenkova, Competition in markets with complements: how within-component firm heterogeneity in value creation shapes ecosystem strategies.

  • September 18th, 2018: Elena Plaksenkova, Competition in markets with complements: how within-component firm heterogeneity in value creation shapes ecosystem strategies (job market mock talk).

  • November 30th, 2018: Poonacha Medappa, job market mock talk.

  • February 28th, 2019: Paul Gouvard, Risk/Return revisited in IPO valuation: a natural language processing study of IPOs’ typicality and exemplarity.

  • March 27th, 2019: Ivan Lugovoi, Process Innovation in Pharmaceutical Industry.

  • September 18th, 2019: Rahul Anand, Downsizing and Downscoping Divestitures.

  • October 10th, 2019: Anicet Fangwa, Corporate Covernance and Social Impact of Non-Profits: the implications and evidence from a randomized program in healthcare in the democratic republic of Congo.