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Easy English Agenda: Click below

May 2024

Deep Dive Topic: [FILL IN]

Speaker: FILL IN


Deep dive section

We will explore the below questions with [SPEAKER]: 

You can submit additional questions when you register to attend. 

Time and date by location

North America



Peer Mentoring section

For 35 minutes, we will have conversations in small groups. This is your chance to start building deeper connections with people all over the world who share your values and interest in topics related to Emerging Leadership. 

You will be in small breakout groups of 3 - 5 people. Each group might be a little bit different - that's ok! The important thing is sharing and connecting in a way that makes sense for you. 

Here's the basic structure we suggest:

You can talk about:

When we do peer mentoring we:

What peer-based mentoring is not