
Photo of a group of people with mixed genders and abilities smiling at the camera.

Photo of IIDL Emerging Leaders at the Stockholm Network Meeting in 2018.


Since 2017, there has been significant work on how best to support and integrate Emerging Leaders across our membership and our workstreams. Iterative progress was made using the Stockholm and Washington D.C. Exchanges as focal points. The development of Principles to Support the Genuine Inclusion of Emerging Leaders was a response to the growth of Emerging Leaders attending IIMHL and IIDL events, in particular the IIMHL and IIDL Network Meeting and Exchange in Washington DC in 2019. The Strategic Action Plan established the paid position of Emerging Leaders Coordinator in January 2021 for 10 days per year. Prior to this work had been completed on an honorary/voluntary basis since 2017 with a focus in the IIDL stream. 

The growth in presence of younger and newer leaders resulted in some confusion about the intention of the Emerging Leaders work, and the Principles seek to clarify an create a shared understanding of good practice, grounded in the knowledge and experience of the many leaders with deep expertise connected to IIMHL and IIDL. To create these Principles, three workshops were held across the three major regions of activity (2021-2022) drawing together Emerging and Established leaders across the Mental Health, Disability, and Addiction sectors. Each workshop generated additions and changes to the Principles. The final report was sent to all workshop attendees for feedback and validation, and to both SCLGs for endorsement. 

The Principles seek to guide the practices of Emerging Leaders, IIMHL/IIDL members, and IIMHL/IIDL as an international organisation. The Principles acknowledge that each of these key groups have a complimentary and overlapping responsibilities which will enable genuine inclusion.

Final report is available for download: 

Principles for the Genuine Inclusion of Emerging Leaders

Image or diagram laying out the Principles in a simplified way.  Image title: IIMHL/IIDL Principles for the genuine inclusion of emerging leaders.  There is a yellow circle which creates the border of the image, everything else is inside the yellow circle. The first line of text is yellow and reads: Kindness informs all our leadership. Kindness to self, kindness to others, kindness to society and environment.  The first pillar on the left is titled: Actions for Emerging Leaders. Dot points below: Develop self; find people to learn from; follow through; be brave and authentic. Next column: Actions for Established Leaders. Dot points below: Create space; Be a mentor; seek out opportunities to sponsor. Below these two columns is a two-way arrow with the label "This is a continuum and we all move along it at different times". Next column: Actions for Organisations. Dot points below: show people reflection is valuable; see the whole person; use genuine co-design; invest. Next column: Actions for IIMHL/IIDL. Dot points below: Value all forms of leadership; promote leadership is an ongoing journey; create mutual learning opportunities. Below the four columns is a box forming the base for the columns. The text inside reads: Actions for all. Dot points below: All means all - intentionally seek out difference; Develop cultural competence and nurture safe spaces; Know yourself and remember to keep learning; deliberately develop people and develop communities; actively seek and include those who have been de-valued; be persistent, patient, and present for others as they emerge. Copyright IIMHL & IIDL developed by Aisling Blackmore

Detailed discussion of Principles in action

Kindness is our overarching frame for our leadership practice. This includes kindness to others, to ourselves, and to society and the environment.

Principles for Emerging Leaders to action

Principles for Established Leaders to action

Organisational policies to support emergence of new and diverse leaders 

Principles for IIMHL & IIDL to action

Actions for all – the foundations we build on

Poster of Principles in Easy English

Easy English Emerging Leaders Principles.pdf