Advanced NLP and Coaching for the English Classroom

Advanced NLP and Coaching for the English Classroom

I attended Advanced NLP and Coaching for the English Classroom Course organized by Pilgrims. The course lasted for ten days August 5 - 18, 2018.

Advanced NLP and Coaching for the English Classroom

The aim of the course was to focus on new skills and practices so that we could improve our ability and confidence in teaching at its highest level.

Before the mobility

I received the following information:

  1. Recommended reading list
  2. Detailed travel and housing information
  3. Course program and content

During the mobility

Our classes and accommodation were at Kent University. At the beginning of the course, there was the orientation tour around the campus. We received all necessary information about the public transport and places to eat. There was also the historical tour around Canterbury.

Throughout the course we worked on the following:

  • Advance rapport. We looked into ways how to establish connection with others on a deeper level and by doing so to enhance our relationships.
  • Coaching in a language class - we looked into different examples and practiced coaching
  • Coaching for potential. We considered different ways how to analyse and diagnose learning potential and blocks to potential.
  • Review of psychological approaches
  • Review of current approaches to coaching
  • Advanced NLP metaprogrammes and belief patterns
  • Modelling - we practiced modelling with other course participants and I hope I developed my own modelling techniques
  • Unconscious learning - we worked on finding our unconscious learning signals so that we could learn faster.
  • Advanced language patterns - including clean language for metaphors
  • Developing a know nothing state for faster learning
  • Learning a new skill from a coach. This part of the course was very interesting because we learned bollywood dance moves and a couple of tai-chi positions.
  • Using neuro programming in a language classroom with the focus on the use of storytelling and metaphors

As an outcome of the mobility and training provided, I acquired the following competences:

  1. Language enrichment and improved English language competences
  2. Better understanding of Neuro Linguistic Programming teaching
  3. Building up a bank of practical NLP teaching ideas
  4. Better understanding of creative ways of implementing NLP into ELT context

Because I attended this course, I hope I have become more empathetic teacher and more effective communicator. I have also enhanced my ability to make a difference and accelerate the development of my classes, teams and projects.

Erasumus + provided me with a unique opportunity to learn from colleagues. There were a lot of opportunities to meet English teachers from other countries, to share experiences, learn about different teaching contexts, discuss opportunities for cooperation, socialize and learn more about local culture.