Kickoff Bootcamp

At the beginning of the academic year, the incoming cohort is invited to a kickoff event to officially introduce them to the ELLIS network. The kickoff is a high-intensity, content-loaded, multi-day event that (1) deep dives into the most recent developments in AI and machine learning research, (2) provides the opportunity for program participants to meet and learn from senior scientists in the ELLIS network, (3) hosts intermediate, topic-driven courses, and (4) facilitates networking among network members to encourage collaboration and connection.

Summer/Winter School

The cornerstone of the ELLIS PhD & Postdoc program is the summer/winter school, which is hosted at alternating ELLIS units each program year and is the program's largest and most significant event. Over the course of one week, program participants will attend master classes and intensive courses led by local and national ELLIS faculty, keynotes by prominent senior scientists, poster sessions, and training events where participants can learn or enhance their research skills. The focus will be on deep-diving into research topics, showcasing recent work by ELLIS members, and providing essential training to program participants. In addition to a focus on research and technical training, the school will include social events throughout the week, and will be capped off with evening lectures by prominent speakers.

Networking Events

Regular networking events are scheduled throughout the year to ensure that participants have the opportunity to connect with ELLIS members, ELLIS-affiliated industry, and the larger network. The main focus of the networking events will be helping ELLIS PhDs and postdocs to meet and establish connections with other members of the ELLIS network, but there may also be less formal events that focus on connecting the ELLIS PhDs and postdocs with each other.


ELLIS PhD students and postdocs have access to specific workshops by the ELLIS units. To see which workshops are coming up, check out the 'Other Events' section above, or visit

Sprint Series

Organized in collaboration with industry partners and sponsors, participants will have the opportunity to attend dedicated “sprints”: 1-2 day deep-dives into a specific use case, in the style of a hackathon. Working together with ELLIS unit coordinators and their industry connections, participants will sprint to work on a challenge offered by an industry partner based on their real use-cases and applications.


Orientation Session

Before the beginning of each program, the program coordinators meet with the incoming batch of PhD students and postdocs to introduce them to the program, each other, and the coordination staff. The orientation session covers the program elements they can expect within the year, the benefits and access that the program provides, and should also answer any questions they might have.

Welcome Meetings

The welcome meetings are short, one-on-one sessions with a program coordinator, scheduled across 1-2 weeks of the program each year after the orientation session. These meetings provide the opportunity for new ELLIS PhDs and postdocs to meet with the program coordinators, ask any follow-on questions after the orientation session and talk about your expectations of the ELLIS program.

Well-Being Meetings

The well-being meetings are short, one-on-one sessions with a program coordinator, scheduled across 1-2 weeks of the program each year. These meetings are a key touchstone of the program because they provide the opportunity for the program coordinators to check in with you about your progress, plans for the future, and experience of the program so far.