ELLIS – the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems – is a European AI network of excellence that focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. ELLIS understands that machine learning is driving modern AI, and is inspired by a model of human intelligence which is not ‘programmed’ but which is shaped by and learns from data. Established in 2018 as a grassroots initiative in AI, ELLIS now has 30 units across 14 European countries, and includes over 200 leading researchers in machine learning-driven fields, and over 1000 members and industry supporters.

ELLIS' primary focus is on bringing Europe to the forefront of global developments in machine learning and AI. ELLIS wants the best basic research to be performed in Europe to enable Europe to shape how machine learning and modern AI change the world, and wants to have economic impact and create jobs, and believe this is achieved by outstanding and free basic research independent of industry interests. It has therefore built a robust strategy for overcoming the challenges to European competitiveness in AI, including: difficulty retaining top talent, lack of competitive salaries, high teaching obligations in universities, rigid environments that do not support a fluid relationship with industry and the creation of startups, and the lack of critical mass due to a fragmented situation with separate islands of excellence. ELLIS tackles these challenges by pursuing a three-pillar strategy to foster European excellence in this highly competitive field: research and fellows programs, a competitive pan-European PhD and postdoc program, and a network of ELLIS units and ELLIS institutes.


Machine learning is at the heart of the technological and societal artificial intelligence revolution, which is drastically reshaping nearly every industry and quickly becoming a core component of the modern world with large implications for the future competitiveness of Europe

Europe has unique offerings for the future of machine learning: an excellent academic culture and a brand of trustworthy and ethical AI “made in Europe”, but it is not keeping up with North America and China regarding education, ecosystem development, and investment in machine learning

There are a few machine learning research hotspots in Europe, but they rarely collaborate, and are vulnerable to “brain drain”, while the distinction between academic research and industrial labs is vanishing as industry performs the majority of basic research in machine learning


In order to respond to the challenges facing European competitiveness in machine learning and AI, ELLIS pursues three primary activities in addition to its foundational network of excellence: (1) research and fellows programs, (2) a PhD and postdoc program, and (3) a network of ELLIS sites to facilitate collaboration and foster innovation. Together, the ELLIS network and activities work to counteract brain drain and retain top talent in Europe, provide economic stimulation, build bridges between knowledge silos, and ensure European technological sovereignty.

ELLIS Research Programs, directed by outstanding European researchers and including leading researchers as Program Fellows, focus on high-impact problem areas that have the potential to move the needle in modern AI. Each Program conducts 2-3 workshops per year to enable meetings of 10-15 Fellows plus guests for intensive scientific exchange. Workshops are either co-located with academic meetings held in Europe, or organized as stand-alone events at ELLIS units.

Currently, there are 13 Research Programs spanning the most urgent and foundational topics in machine learning and AI.

The ELLIS PhD & Postdoc Program supports excellent young researchers across Europe by connecting them to leading researchers and offering a variety of networking and training activities. ELLIS PhD students and Postdocs are supervised by one ELLIS senior researcher (Fellow or Scholar), and one other ELLIS member (Fellow, Scholar, or Member).

Participants in the academic track conduct a research exchange at their secondary advisor's institution, and participants in the industry track split their time working between their academic host institution and a collaborating industry player. All participants benefit from ELLIS' extensive network of top researchers, and all program events.

Highly innovative ecosystems emerge at outstanding academic institutions, which serve as international talent magnets and incubators of innovation. Thus, rather than just building a virtual network amongst institutions, ELLIS is creating new working environments for outstanding researchers to enable them to combine cutting-edge research with the creation of start-ups and industrial impact.

ELLIS Units bring together the best AI researchers at their locations and fulfill a set of criteria to ensure excellence and to be maximally competitive at the international level. Typically hosted at leading universities across Europe, ELLIS Units connect their local leading researchers in machine learning, and operate as the network's primary nodes.

At the very core of ELLIS is the network of excellence: high-caliber scientists and senior researchers leading innovation and developments in the field.

ELLIS Fellows advance science and act as ambassadors of ELLIS. They provide strategic advice and leadership not just scientifically, but also in terms of how to build and grow a network of excellence. ELLIS Scholars are outstanding junior scientists, often assistant professors, who do not yet have the seniority of a Fellow but are on a clear trajectory to reach this level.