An excerpt from Made By Love, With Love, To Love by Tanita L. Barrow

Day 18: New

Things happen in life that will cause a shift that brings about change. It may seem like a bad change because you haven’t experienced it before. Just because a change is uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s bad for you. Actually, a shift is like starting over again, but from a fresh page in a new book. It will cause you to feel like someone new, and this might be weird for you at first because you’re not used to living this way or thinking this way or talking this way or responding to life this way.

Shifting from always speaking negative to now speaking positive is going to feel weird at first. You were so used to your old talk that now you have to get used to your new talk. Well, now is the time to hear your new talk and to think your new thoughts. The next time a shift happens in your life and it makes you feel uncomfortable, realize that God has made something in your life new, and that’s a reason to get excited!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.

~ 2 Corinthians 5:17


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