Rhetoric in American History X

Elzabeth Bryan 

Deanna Tenorio 

Composition 2 

30 April 2024 

American History X 

"American History X" is a movie that talks a lot about some important aspects like racism, hate, and how people development. I want to talk about some of the ways the characters in the movie handle these situations. 

One scene that stands out is when Derek, the main character, is talking with his family and a guest named Mr. Sweeney. Derek's little brother, Danny, reads an essay he wrote for school about racism. In the essay, Danny talks about how America has a history of racism, he talks about how people from different races don't get along, and he blames minorities for a lot of the unfortunate event happening in the country. Derek adds to the conversation by saying more about the topic like how white people are the only ones who care about America and how they need to take control to fix things. He says a lot of hateful stuff about minorities, belittling them and blaming them for ruining society. Derek's words are extremely disrespectful, and they show how much hate he holds. 

Mr. Sweeney listens to all of this and then speaks up. He doesn't yell or use disrespectful words how Derek did when he was speaking. Instead, he tries to help Derek see things from a different perspective by being professional and respectful. He talks about how everyone, no matter their race, is important and deserves respect and understanding from others. Mr. Sweeney tries to show Derek that hate only makes things worse and that understanding, and kindness are better ways to solve problems. This scene shows how dramatic of a difference it can be when people use words in different ways to express difference in opinions when talking about important issues like racism. Derek's words are full of anger and disrespect, while Mr. Sweeney's words are calm and wise. This contrast helps us see the difference between someone who is consumed by hate and someone who truly wants to make things better. 

Another important part of the movie is when we see flashbacks of Derek's past. These flashbacks show how Derek used to be angry and extremely racist person. He was part of a group that hated minorities and caused a lot of trouble because of it. But as the movie continues, we see Derek start to change and develop as a character. He starts to see that his hatred only hurts himself and the people around him. By the end of the movie, Derek has developed into a completely different person who realized that racism is not okay in the sense that it is misguided and wrongly hateful, which makes him wants to help others see that too. 

The movie also shows us how words can be used to hurt or help people. When Derek is part of the hate group, he uses words to spread hate and violence. But when he starts to change, he uses words to spread a different message, one of understanding and acceptance. This shows us that words have power, and we can choose how we use that power. 

Overall, "American History X" is a movie that teaches us a lot about racism, hate, and how people can change and help society. Through the words and actions of the characters, we see the destructive power of hate and the healing power of love and understanding can have very different effects on those around us. The movie reminds us that we can all make a difference, and it encourages us to use our words and actions to benefit the world and use peace as a way to help encourage a better community way of life. 

Kaye, Tony. American History X. New Line Cinema, 1998.