
Reflection 1: Research Paper and Presentation

Elizabeth Bryan

Deanna Tenorio

Composition 2 

12 February 2024 

Research paper reflection  

My reasoning for choosing this topic as my research project is quite simple, I have a large interest in fashion and the industry as a whole. My goal was to educate people about the history within the industry because I am aware a lot of people would not care too much but I think it is fascinating, therefore, I want other people to know about it. I started this project by going to the University of New Mexico library database to see if I can find reliable sources to begin my research. Usually when I do research papers, I do not go the database, I typically stick to google but I wanted to have the most reliable sources, even though they were quite hard to find. I think this process worked very well for me and kept me organized. I also made a lot of bullet points of what I wanted to write paragraphs about before actually writing.  

I decided to organize my paper in order of the most influential time periods in fashion. I started with the time of prehistoric humans and ended with the 21st century. I think this would make the most sense when I try to explain the development in the fashion industry over time. Honestly, I think this was the only way to organize my paper because no other way would make sense with the development of fashion.  

I am very nervous to present my research to the class even though I have a strong slide show presentation. I am not the most confident when it comes to public speaking, but it is a skill I will need to be good at in my future, so it is good to work towards that now. In other news, I think my presentation will be interesting to listen to and engaging. I actually really enjoyed this assignment because it gave me a reason to learn more about something I find fascinating. My favorite aspect of the entire project was creating the slideshow presentation. Lastly, my least favorite part of this project was writing the paper because it was way longer than any essay I have ever written, which made it quite tedious and boring. I have never been the best at writing paper so the more pages it is the less I enjoy doing the assignment.  

Reflection 2: Event Review

Elizabeth Bryan 

Deanna Tenorio

Comp 1120 

18 April 2024 

Event Report Reflection

I think this assignment was very beneficial for me because it made me go out of my comfort zone and attend an event that I would not have attended otherwise. I had a few other events in mind when doing this assignment, such as the teaching lecture, and a study abroad lecture but I ended up choosing this one because it was in my field so I figured I would get the most out of it. This has helped me realize how helpful and educational attending events can be so I can definitely see myself attending more in the future. I think attending events a lot could be very helpful because it gives us the opportunity to do things by ourselves which can be scary, but it also makes us go out of our comfort zone. Since the event I have been constantly thinking about the different aspects that go into creating a business because that is something I want to do in the future so now I have a greater knowledge of the subject.  

I think that the speakers on the first day of the conference were very well prepared and have made speeches many times before. They were very well rehearsed, and barely looked at any notes which is a good takeaway for me because I typically do not practice my own presentations as much as I should. Those spoke relatively the same as professors would in the classroom which I liked because I am already familiar with that. Overall, this was a great opportunity for me to participate in and I am glad I had this assignment.  

Reflection 3: Film Review

Elizabeth Bryan 

Deanna Tenorio

Composition 2 

7 March 2024 

Film Review Reflection 

There are many differences between writing a review and writing a research paper, but one of the main differences is that a review is strictly opinion based, whereas research is completely fact based. They could be similar in a way as well because they are both forms of informative writing in the sense that they give you information on whatever topic the writing is on. When it comes to writing this review, I wanted to keep it casual and just express my opinions on the film. I wanted to keep it casual rather than academic because I feel like it would relate to the reader on a more personal level, and if I could change my languages used, I would not because I think it is the best way to give my honest opinion. Honestly, I do not read many reviews, but I do sometimes when I buy clothes to get a good idea of whether it looks like the picture. I think a good review of clothes is when someone puts an image of the clothing and what size they got to estimate if it will fit you correctly when you purchase the item. I think detailed reviews are the best kind because they really give you all the information needed to know if you should purchase whatever it is. I think reviews would be very helpful if done correctly and explanatory.