Portfolio Reflection

Elizabeth Bryan 

Deanna Tenorio  

Composition 2 

30 April 2024 

Portfolio Reflection 

Writing has always been one of the most difficult subjects for me, but I think that idea has changed for me quite a lot this semester. I have learned a lot of new techniques that have helped me become a better writer while also making me more confident in accomplishing assignments. Because of this, originally, I did not enjoy the process of writing, and never saw the real purpose of it. Now, however, the process is easier and more accomplishable for me, so I enjoy it a lot more than I did a few months ago.  

Despite my recent growth in my writing process, this course was not particularly easy for me. I think out of all our assignments the most difficult for me was the research paper which I chose to do based on the history of fashion. This was difficult for me because I was not used to writing such long essays at the time of this assignment. Now I understand how to research and write longer essays based on research.  The hardest part was the research portion because of reading long articles on random subjects.  

My major takeaway from this course is being able to crank out essays within a small time period. Also not procrastinating and getting my assignments done on time. Within this course it's been hard for me to make sure I do my assignments on time, so I struggled heavily within the course on doing so but overall, it made me a better writer and all-around student. This course ultimately gave me the takeaway of doing stuff on time and using more brain power than I normally use in other courses.  

I learned that I am not the best at writing throughout this course. Every essay has been challenging for me and I am not a big fan of writing.  Although I am not the best writer, this course has helped me a lot when it comes to it.  In college you have to do a lot of classes that you may not enjoy but the discipline and hard work will get you through it. I learned that I can be disciplined in my schoolwork through this course. 

With an incoming freshman I would tell them that they need to be disciplined and not fall behind on any of their work. Playing catchup is not fun when it comes to college, a lot of different classes and getting behind on work is easy to do. Especially because in your first year of college you want to experience new things, but never forget what you're here for in the first place and that is to get a degree. Having fun and going out is the best part of college, but trying to catch up on work is the worst part. Overall, to an incoming first-year student I would tell them to get their stuff done on time and write whatever they feel like within the essays in this course. It might seem hard to write about things you have never thought about, but it gets easier the more you do it and branch out for help if you need it.