Through my research, I aim to guide policy makers on how to improve tax-related initiatives. This is why I regularly contribute to policy-related events, especially around the topic of tax transparency and the fight against offshore tax evasion. I also organize several events, including guest lectures and conferences with experts from tax advisory, financial intermediaries, multinational corporations and tax authorities. My research output benefits tremendously from my constant interactions with representatives from the industry, and the government. 

Group Picture from the 2nd Tax Transparency Conference - Foto Credit: Sigrid Folkestad 

I organized the tax transparency conference, which is a biennial event where academia, policymakers & industry representatives came together to discuss current tax transparency initiatives. 

The 1st Tax Transparency Conference took place on December 6, 2022. For more information read the NHH article and check the program. The 2nd Tax Transparency Conference was joint event with TRR266 Accounting For Transparency and Fair Tax Foundation and took place on 3 December 2024. For more information, read the NHH article and check the program.

Tax Avoidance and Offshore Wealth: Policies for Tomorrow - The Case for the Global Asset Registry

On June 13, 2022, I took part as panel speaker in the EU Tax Observatory Annual Conference. The full program is available here: Program. My panel was dedicated to the proposal for the creation of a global asset registry. In my intervention, I discussed the utility of the data collected under the global standard for the automatic exchange of information, the so-called Common Reporting Standard, and the future challenges faced when developing a global asset registry. Read more about it here: NoCeT or EU Tax Observatory

Tackling offshore tax evasion and avoidance - What has been achieved so far? 

On March 21, 2023, I took part as panel speaker at the conference organized by the Centre for European Policy Studies and the UK Mission to the EU. The full program is available here: Program. My panel is dedicated to discussion around the effectiveness of the automatic exchange of information in reducing offshore tax avoidance and evasion. In my intervention, I provided an overview of the empirical evidence on the impact of the global standard for the automatic exchange of information, the so-called Common Reporting Standard, on taxpayers' behaviour. Check out my slides.

2023 Nordic Tax Authorities Delegates Annual Meeting

On May 23, 2023, I took part as panel speaker at the annual meeting of the Nordic tax authorities delegates. More information about the event here: NoCeT News. In my intervention joint with Floris Zoutman (NHH and NoCeT), we provided an overview of the empirical evidence on dividend tax arbitrage and the effectiveness of the countermeasures. We presented the results of our work on the effect of stricter enforcement of the dividend withholding tax system, see the paper here: Paper Link. Check out my slides.

Economic and Monetary Affairs - Youth EU Parliament

On December 2, 2023, I took part as expert speaker at the regional selection conference at EU Youth Parliament. More information about the event here: EU Youth Parliament Event (Czech Republic). High school students from EU member states gather together to draft proposals for EU directives around the topic "Designing Europe's Future". Among others, one session was on what the EU can do to reduce tax avoidance and evasion. In my intervention, I provided students an overview of what tax avoidance and evasion is, which counter measures are in place and what the EU can do better. Check my slides.

Counting the Cost - Al Jazeera (March 7, 2024)

On March 7, 2024, I have been interviewed for the TV program "Counting the Cost" from Al Jazeera. I spoke about the proposal for a global minimum tax on billioners launched during the 2024 G20 finance ministry meeting in Brazil. A G20 discussion started on how to fix the regressive taxation which exists at the top of the wealth distribution. Agreeing on a global solution to fix this will be much more challenging than the one agreed for corporations. Check my interview and my related social media post.

Breakfast seminar: How to Stop Corporate Tax Evasion and Ensure Fair Global Taxation? - Norwegian Institution for International Affairs (September 26, 2024)

On September 26, 2024, I took part in the panel discussion organized at Norwegian Institution for International Affairs (Oslo) around the topic of corporate tax transparency and tax avoidance. I spoke about the mixed results from scientific research we have so far on the effectiveness of tax transparency initiatives. This includes modest results on tax revenue so far but strong corporate reactions to such reforms including both real and reporting effects. The Check the video of the event here and my related social media post.