Image Credit: Giulia Perini & Alessandro Dondero

My research focuses on how tax policies affect individual and corporate behavior and on the impacts of increased tax transparency. In my research, I employ advanced textual analysis techniques including self-developed measures to create new datasets based on unstructured text. Moreover, I make use of confidential micro-level data from tax authorities to shed light on the impact of transparency initiatives on tax revenues. 

For all my current working papers, see my SSRN page.

TAXFAIR is a project founded by the European Union. Using high-quality Norwegian administrative data, TAXFAIR aims to analyse the effectiveness of a system for automatic exchange of information and to determine the characteristics that maximizes tax revenue extraction. Overall, TAXFAIR will provide a knowledge based framework for governments around the world to implement an effective system for the automatic exchange of information exchange. This will help reducing inequality given the concentration of unreported income hidden in offshore locations among the 0.1% highest earners. Thus, TAXFAIR will contribute to the United Nations sustainable development goal number ten. 


Media mention: Follow the Money; we discuss the results of our paper at Bloomberg Tax

We discuss the results of our paper at Duke FinReg Blog