​Eastlake strives to support student wellness by providing numerous Wellness Promotion Programs.

The following are a few of the programs put in place:

Eastlake High School Wellness Newsletter

Eastlake High School Virtual Wellness Room

Welcome to Eastlake High School Virtual Wellness Room! Here you will find resources and engaging activities that can be used to promote healthy wellness practices. These resources are meant to support positive well-being and self-care. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The links on this website are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional. If you or someone you are concerned about is experiencing distress, the San Diego Crisis Line is 1-888-724-7240 or text HELLO to 741741

Wellness Wednesdays

In an effort to increase social and emotional supports at Eastlake High, the counselors send Wellness Wednesday messages to encourage students and staff to be the best they can be! Our Wellness Wednesday messages consist of self-care tips and a kindness challenge. The weekly message is shown on the bulletin, sent out through Jupiter and is announced in classrooms. There are also activities every Wednesday at lunch to promote student and staff wellness.

Military Family Counselors

If students have a parent in the military (active or reserves), there is a Military Family Life Counselor located in the Counseling Center to support students with academics and social/emotional needs. The student’s school counselor can make the connection with the military counselor.

Military and Family Life Counseling

Navy School Liaison Officers

Wellness Together Counseling Program

Wellness Together, a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, partners with schools statewide to increase access to mental health services for students and families. Wellness Together provides social-emotional interventions on school campuses across California.

Your student’s counselor can make a referral to the program.


Talk to any trusted adult for help!

Every day in California friends, family and co-workers

struggle with emotional pain. And, for some, it's too difficult

to talk about the pain, thoughts of suicide and the need for

help. Though the warning signs can be subtle, they are there.

By recognizing these signs, knowing how to start a

conversation and where to turn for help, you have the

power to make a difference – the power to save a life.


  • 24 Hour Hotline - Call 1-888-724-7240 ​

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Call 1-800-273-8255/ The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is now: 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention -

Suicide Prevention Resource Center -

​Staff and Parent Resources

Staff and Parent Suicide Prevention and Wellness Video


California Mental Health “Warm” Line - Call or text 1-855-845-7415

  • Receive support for any mental health concerns you may be facing. This hotline is deliberately being referred to as a "warm line" because it's supposed to arrange for help before the situation raises to a "hotline" level.

​Chula Vista Collaborative -

South Bay Community Services -​

​National Institute of Mental Illness -

National Alliance for the Mentally Health -

Military OneSource- Military and family life counseling


McAlister: Substance abuse treatment and intervention services 619-691-1045

Vaping Information:

DrugRehab: Teen drug and alcohol abuse