
NEWSMy new poetry collection "Differire il giorno" is out: you can order a physical copy on the publisher's website, in bookstores and online stores!

✍️ I have always wanted to be a writer. I fell in love with writing at an early age as the most natural way I had to communicate and express my "own language". I started from prose, but during my high school years I explored different genres of writing, from journalism to theatre, and eventually discovered the extraordinary power of poetry.

✍️ In 2024, my new poetry collection "Differire il giorno" (Defer the day) was released by Marco Saya Edizioni in the series "Sottotraccia", directed by the poet Antonio Bux: it speaks about time, acceptance, language, procrastination, human connections, and many other things dear to my heart. A physical copy can be ordered on the publisher's website, in bookstores as well as on Amazon, IBS, Mondadori Store, Libreria Universitaria, Bookdealer, Unilibro, Libraccio, Rizzoli and other online stores! "Differire il giorno" was also among the candidates for the XXXVI Premio Camaiore - Francesco Belluomini (section "Proposta") and has won in the end the SIAE Prize Under 35!

✍️ In 2021, my poetry collection "Voragini e Vertigini" (Chasms and Vertigoes) was selected for publication in the literary contest Esordi as one of the three best debut poetry collections nationwide. It was presented in a special event during the literary festival Pordenonelegge and is now out as an e-book, which can be downloaded and found in Kindle format and on Google Play; a preview can also be read on Google Books. A review of the collection can be found on the literary blog L'EstroVerso. I was also interviewed on the radio, where I had the chance to present my vision of poetry and to read some of my texts from the collection.

✍️ From 2012 onwards, I have taken part in poetic competitions and published in anthologies:

(2020) National Finalist for Poetry - VI Edition "Il Giardino di Babuk - Proust en Italie" National Prize: my poem "Calma mobile elevata" (Elevated mobile calm) was published in an open access e-book

(2018) National Finalist for Poetry - I Edition "Il Viaggio" National Prize: my poem "Movimento reale" (Real movement) appeared in a book independently published

(2014) Honourable Mention for Poetry - I Edition "La Poesia ci salverà" National Prize, with the poem "Nulla di falso" (Nothing false)

(2014) Fourth Prize for Poetry - II Edition "Amico Libro" National Prize: my poem "Già scritto" (Already written) was published in a book edited by Amico Libro

(2013) First Prize for PoetryI Edition "Città di Atessa - Idee InChiostro" National Prize, with the poem "Se la vista s'allarga" (If the view widens)

(2013) Third Prize for Poetry - III Edition "PrimaVeraPoesia" National Prize, with the poem "Una nuova vita sognata" (A new dreamed life), dedicated to the Italian poet Antonia Pozzi, who wrote The dreamed life

(2012) Third and Fourth Prize for Poetry - II Edition "In Memoria di Lorenzo Cresti" National Prize: my poems "Diciott'anni" (Eighteen years) and "Influenze di matita" (Influences of pencil) were published in a book edited by SoleOmbra Edizioni

(2012) Honourable Mention for Poetry - XVII Edition "Premio Roddi" Prize: my poem "La soffitta" (The attic) was published in a book edited by Europa Edizioni

(2012) First Prize for Poetry - IV Edition "Giorgio Leoncini" National Prize: my poem "Non alle stelle" (Not to the stars) was published in a book edited by La Bancarella

(2012) Special Prize for a Young Poet - II Edition "Isabella Morra - Il Mio Mal Superbo" National Prize: my poem "La nascita di Venere" (The birth of Venus) was published in a book edited by La Vita Felice

✍️ Besides poetry, I have also obtained the following awards in literary competitions:

(2022) First Prize for Book Review - "Bugella Civitas" National Award: my review of "Hate Speech" (Claudia Bianchi, Laterza 2021) will be published on the prize page

(2017) Literary and Scientific National Award "Lo ScrittoIO" - Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI): my essay "Meglio se plurale. La strada della lingua" (Better if plural. The path of language) was presented in this article

(2013) First Prize for Essay - "Premio Tonelli" Prize, with the essay "Capire e aiutare a capire: una missione socioculturale" (Understanding and helping to understand: a socio-cultural mission)

(2013) Sestertius Prize for Latin - Cenaculum Latinitatis Biella, where I read my essay "Traicit et fati litora magnus amor: l'amore come esperienza totalizzante in Catullo e Properzio" ('A great love crosses even the shores of death': love as an all-encompassing experience in Catullus and Propertius)

(2012) First Prize for Journalism - XI Edition "Biella Letteratura e Industria" Prize, with the interview "Con gli occhi di una donna" (With a woman's eyes)

(2012) Writing scholarship - "Il Cammino della Felicità" National Prize: my writings (poems and proses) were selected for a scholarship covering a summer school organised by Color your Life Foundation

(2012) National Finalist - III Edition "Talent and Culture Olympics": my original text "Contrasto tra Realtà e Fantasia" (Contrast between Reality and Fantasy) was represented in the Teatro Claudio in Tolfa, near Rome

(2012) Second Prize for Essay - "I Piemontesi che fecero l'impresa" Historical-Literary Prize, with the essay "Patriota o massone?" (Patriot or freemason?) on the figure of Federico Rosazza (1813-1899)

(2011) Honourable Mention for Prose - V Edition "Cercoparole" Prize: my short story "La scelta" (The choice) was published in a book edited by Edizioni Mercurio

(2010) First Prize for Prose - IV Edition "Cercoparole" Prize: my short story "Il lato oscuro dell'istruzione" (The dark side of education) was published in a book edited by Edizioni Mercurio.