
NEWS: The new program of our Center for Hellenic Studies of Ghent University (Griekenlandcentrum) has been announced! Note these dates in your agenda!

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« I love teaching and learning from students. I cherish a romantic yet realistic vision of education, which can be expressed by Seneca's quote "Habebo itaque curae, ut te meliorem tibi reddam quam accepi" (Sen. Ben. I. 8) (And so I shall make it my care to return you to yourself a better person than when I received you)

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« At Ghent University I have been co-teaching the Classics module of the course Algemene Taalwetenschap II (General Linguistics) for the 3rd year of the bachelor degree in Taal-en-Letterkunde, and I have collaborated to the Seminarie Klassieke Talen as guest evaluator. I also regularly take part in exam supervisions, thesis readings, and mentoring activities, and I hope many more teaching adventures will be on the way!

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« While studying for my master's degree in Pisa, I have attended a teaching training program for secondary education. Moreover, I have taught Italian to foreigners in a language school as well as to migrants and refugees in a voluntary organisation, which led me to obtain a Certification of competence in teaching Italian as a foreign language (DITALS) from the University for Foreigners of Siena. Teaching your native language is also an incredibly enriching experience which makes you look at it from a different perspective!

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« I believe in the importance of participating in the cultural debate: I have recently written about Hate Speech, and my article about Wikipedia ("Like Athena out of Zeus: Why classicists need to contribute (more) to Wikipedia") has been featured in Brill's blog "Humanities Matter".

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« I am interested in educational activities for a broader public: from 2020 to 2023, I have acted as Secretary of the Center for Hellenic Studies of Ghent University (Griekenlandcentrum), co-organising the annual lecture series. The lectures are open to everyone curious about Ancient and Modern Greek culture: while in the past years we have explored the topics of theatre and migration, this year our lecture series will be dedicated to women in the Greek world: take a look at the new program! I have also been involved in the Ghent organisation of the Festival EuropΓ©en Latin Grec of March 2024, where I have also given a workshop for high school students: this year we have reflected on elections, gender and political satire by reading Aristophanes' Ecclesiazusae!

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ« The Greek section of Ghent University organises many more outreach initiatives such as workshops and projects for schools during the whole academic year, and our EVWRIT group has an Outreach page as well. Every month a new colleague is interviewed in the news of the Greek section to present their own activities: you can read my interview of 2019.Β