Technical reports

Ukraine: Building climate resilience in agriculture and forestry (World Bank Group Final Report of the project: “Understanding the impacts, managing risks, and exploring new opportunities from climate change in Ukraine”), 2021. The World Bank Press Release (2022/ECA/49) February 9, 2022.

How eco-innovations improve environmental performance within and across sectors (with Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi and Giovanni Marin), 2018, Science for Environment Policy, 12th April 2018 (Issues 505), European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service. 

The sun also rises: Policy instruments to mitigate the adverse effects on competitiveness and leakage (with Alessandro Antimiani, Valeria Costantini, Onno Kuik, Frédéric Branger and Philippe Quirion), 2015, Deliverable 5.3b, WP5, CECILIA2050 Research Project.

Sviluppo di una metodologia per la valutazione dell’impatto occupazionale per interventi di efficienza energetica nella green economy (with Valeria Costantini, Francesco Crespi and Alessandro Palma), 2015, Report Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico – Accordo di Programma Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ­ ENEA (September 2015).