Conferences and seminars


29th Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 01-04 Jul 2024, Leuven (Belgium). Presented paper: "Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios”.

12th Annual Conference IAERE 22-23 February 2024, Pescara (Italy). 

Invited seminar at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Seminars in Economics of Innovation and Knowledge, 5 March 2024. Presented paper: “Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios”.


62nd ERSA Congress (European Regional Science Association), 28 August-1 September 2023, University of Alicante. Accepted paper: "Functional specialization and upgrading in European regions: new insights from FDI data".

Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference, 26-28 June 2023, University of Bologna. Accepted paper: "Local sources of vulnerability to climate change and armed conflicts in East Africa".

Workshop on “Conflict and the Economy”, 9 June 2023, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and SEEDS. Presented paper: “Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios”.

Tavola rotonda “Giornata sul clima”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Centro linceo Interdisciplinare “Beniamino Segre”, 25 maggio 2023.

Invited seminar at Department of Economics, University of Roma Tre, 18 April 2023. Presented paper: “Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios”.

Invited seminar at Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence, 4 April 2023. Presented paper: “Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios”.

11th Annual Conference IAERE 23-24 February 2023, Napoli (Italy). Presented paper: “EU sustainable transition, knowledge co-creation and economic competitiveness”.

Oxford Style Debate “Net-zero transition policies and inequality”, PhD SDC Kick-off meeting, National PhD Programme in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 25 January 2023.


63rd Annual Conference - Italian Economic Association (SIE) 20-22 October 2022, Università di Torino (Italy). Presented papers: "Overview of the World Bank Report "Ukraine - Building climate resilience in agriculture and forestry"; "Knowledge spillovers through skilled-workers migration network: evidence from OECD countries".

6th Geography of Innovation Conference (GEOINNO) 4th – 6th July 2022, Università Bocconi, Milano (Italy). Presented paper: "Climate change and inequality: new evidence from a global perspective" .

27th Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2022, Rimini (Italy). Presented paper: "Knowledge spillovers through skilled-workers migration network: evidence from OECD countries".

Workshop on “Climate Change, Conflict and Policies 26 May 2022, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and SEEDS. Presented paper: “Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios”.

10th Annual Conference Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE) 21-23 April 2022, Cagliari (Italy). Presented paper: "Forecasting the climate-conflict nexus in Africa under SSPs scenarios".

39th Conference Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 6-8 April 2022, Rome (Italy). Presented paper: "Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies and Knowledge Spillovers: Exploiting Opportunities from Skilled-Workers Migration Network".


25th Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 23June-25June 2021, Berlin(Germany). Presented paper: “Network-driven positive externalities in clean energy technology production. The case of EE in the EU residential sector” 

Invited seminar at LEI & BRICK Seminars on the Economics of Innovation, University of Torino – Collegio Carlo Alberto, 22 April 2021. Presented paper: “Network-driven positive externalities in clean energy technology production”.


46th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), 10-12 December 2020. Presented paper: “Climate change and inequality in a global context. Exploring climate induced disparities and the reaction of economic systems”.

61st Annual Conference of the Italian Economic Association (SIE), 20-23 October 2020. Presented paper: “The EU sustainable energy transition process: technological capabilities, knowledge co-creation and policy convergence for a low-carbon and competitive economy”.

XXI Scientific Conference Italian Association for the Study of Comparative Economic Systems (AISSEC), Comparative perspectives on economic development and inequalities, 8-9 October 2020. Presented paper: “Climate change and inequality in a global context. Exploring climate induced disparities and the reaction of economic systems”.


XIII World Conference Spatial Econometrics Association (SEA) joint with 66th NARSC (North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, SAI) Conference 2019, 13-16 November 2019, Pittsburgh, PA. Presented paper: “Violent conflicts, climate conditions and socio-economic vulnerability in Africa: a dynamic spatial econometric analysis”.

CONCORDi 2019 - 7th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation (EC, JRC, OECD). 25-27 September 2019, Seville (Spain). Accepted paper: “Sustainable energy transition and policy mix design in the European Union: a trade-based supply value chain approach”.

VII International Workshop on Computational Economics and Econometrics “Advances in Spatial Economics and Econometrics: Data, Visualization, Modelling for Sustainable Spatial Systems”, Luglio, 2019, IRCrES-CNR. Paper: “Violent conflicts, climate conditions and socio-economic vulnerability in Africa”


Grape Christmas Workshop, 19 December 2018, CNR. Presented paper: “Climate change and armed conflicts in Africa: a georeferenced analysis”.

Invited seminar at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) Department, Energy and Climate Seminar, 23 October 2018, University of Sussex (Brighton, UK). Presented paper: “Sustainable energy transition and policy mix design in the European Union: a trade-based supply value chain approach”.


23rd Annual Conference European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) 28 June-1 July 2017, Atene (Greece). Presented paper: “Policy instruments interaction in the long-term EU low-carbon strategy”.

Workshop on environmental new technologies - Smart Environments, 15 June 2017, Roma Tre University, Roma (Italy). Presented paper: “Development of an economic-energy GTAP model for the assessment of policies in support of new clean energy technologies”.

5th Annual Conference IAERE 16-17 February 2017, Roma (Italy). Presented paper: “How costs of climate change influence the convenience of a global action”.


19th Conference QMOD “Quality and Service Sciences: Building a Culture for Quality, Innovation and Sustainability”, Roma, 21-23 September 2016, Roma (Italy). Presented paper: “Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries”.

13th European Network on the Economics of the Firm (ENEF) meeting, 15-16 September 2016, Torino (Italy). Presented paper: “Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries”.

Governance of a Complex World Conference (GCW) del EURopean Network on Knowledge, INnovation, Development (EURKind), 22-24 June 2016, Valencia (Spain). Presented paper: “The employment impact of energy efficiency policies: evidence from European industries”.

4th Annual Conference IAERE, 11-12 February 2016, Bologna (Italy). Presented paper: “EU climate policy up to 2030: reasoning around timing, overlapping instruments and cost effectiveness”.