Teaching and supervision
2022- 2023:
Equazioni Differenziali Stocastiche (postgraduates, MSc in Mathematics ) - lecturer & tutor
Probability Theory (postgraduates, MSc in Stochastics and Data Science) - tutor
Calcolo delle Probabilitá e Statistica (undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics for Finance) - lecturer & tutor
2021- 2022:
Stochastic Differential Equations (postgraduates, MSc in Stochastics and Data Science) - lecturer & tutor
Istituzioni di Probabilitá (postgraduates, MSc in Mathematics) - tutor
Calcolo delle Probabilitá e Statistica (undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics for Finance) - lecturer
2014 - 2020 at University of Leeds:
Optimisation Methods for Finance (postgraduates, MSc in Financial Mathematics) – lecturer
Financial Mathematics 1 (undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics) – tutor
Financial Mathematics 2 (undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics) – lecturer & tutor
Financial Mathematics 3 (undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics) – lecturer & tutor
Stochastic Calculus and applications to Finance (undergraduate & postgraduate, BSc & MMath in Mathematics) – lecturer & tutor
2012 - 2014 at King’s College London:
Foundations for Complex Systems modeling (postgraduates, MSc in Complex Systems) – lecturer
Probability and Statistics I (1st year undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics) – lecturer
Markov Chains (3rd year undergraduates, BSc in Mathematics) – lecturer
Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Dynamics (postgraduates, MSc in Financial Mathematics) – lecturer
2011 -2012 at Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena
Fractal Geometry (undergraduate & postgraduate, BSc & MMath in Mathematics) – tutor
PhD supervision:
Luis Mario Chaparro Jáquez from 2021 (main supervisor as external, Leeds). Topic: Numerical methods for SDEs with singular coefficients
Andrea Bovo 2019- 2022 (co-supervisor as external, Leeds). Topic: PDE methods for controller-stopper games
Paul smith 2016-2020 (co-supervisor, Leeds). Topic: Dimension reduction techniques and applications to past climate data
Jason Susanna Anquandah 2016-2020 (co-supervisor, Leeds). Topic: Stochastic models for unemployment insurance.
Final Year Project Supervision:
2021 - now at University of Torino:
MSc students in Stochastic and Data Science. Topics: Stochastic Analysis in Rough Volatility Models (2022).
2014 - 2019 at University of Leeds:
3-5 MSc students in Financial mathematics per year. Topics: Stochastic Interest Rate Models, Stochastic McKean-Vlasov systems.
6 BSc students in Financial mathematics per year. Topics: Estimation of volatility of stock prices with high-frequency data; Machine and deep learning for Finance.
External supervision (interns):
2016-2020 at the University of Leeds
I supervised or co-supervised one summer research intern every year from Universities abroad (e.g. ENSTA ParisTech, University of Trento) on 3-months research projects related to my research.