Scientific events

I currently organise the following events:

Torino Seminar Series on Stochastics and Mathematical Statistics (joint with Tiziano De Angelis (ESOMAS, UniTo) and Giuseppe D'Onofrio (Matematica, UniTo) 

Lezioni Lagrangiane - monthly colloquia for the Maths Department in Turin (jointly with Reto Buzano)

Past events:

Conferences and Workshops:

– Workshop on SDEs with low regularity coefficients: theory and numerics  in Torino, 21-22 September 2023

Turin-Bath PhD Workshop in Applied Probability and Statistics in Torino,  19-21 June 2023

BSDEs, Information and McKean-Vlasov equations in Leeds (joint with Katia Colaneri) Sept 2018

– Workshop on “Topics in SDEs and their link to (S)PDEs” on Monday 19 September 2016 in Leeds

 Outreach Events:

Public Talks and Photography Exhibition in Leeds, Sep-Oct 2017

Study Group with Industry:

– part of the organising committee  of ESGI 162 held virtually in Leeds, July 2020