Consulting and project experience

  • Expert on gender economics, survey design, management and research, social analysis, poverty and inequality, program design and evaluation, capacity development, governance and political economy

  • Wide experience in academia, policy and the private sector

  • Proficient in econometrics, quantitative techniques, qualitative research, survey analysis and using various data techniques to answer a wide range of practical and academic questions

  • Country and region experience: Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Kosovo, Russia, Ukraine); Africa (Mauritius, Tanzania, South Africa, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Niger); Asia and the Pacific (Mongolia, Kiribati); MENA (Egypt, Jordan, UAE)

  • Widely published in academic and policy outlets and the popular media

  • PhD in Public Policy from Princeton University

  • Fluent in English, Bulgarian, Russian and Italian, working knowledge of French and Spanish

  • Proficiency in R, Stata and Python.

February-September 2021

Quantitative Research Director, Includovate, Lead Includovate’s quantitative research portfolio, working with the CEO and Head or Programs. Other responsibilities include: project planning and oversight, business development, capacity building, technical advice and quality assurance, and mentorship of young researchers from Africa.

May-June 2021

Consultant at the World Bank, analytical work on the impact of COVID-19 on firms and households in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Croatia

December 2020 - December 2021

Consultant at UN ESCWA, project on the link between gender discrimination in access to land and property and entrepreneurship in the Arab world.

Consultant at African Development Bank, lead consultant for the gender profile for Tanzania.

Aug 2019 - December 2020

Consultant/team leader at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, leading the Bank's work on gender gaps in Asia, using the Gallup World Poll, cross-country data and qualitative data. Presented results from this work at the ADB/AIIB panel on "Empowering women through infrastructure" at the Global Gender Summit in Rwanda in November 2019. I'm also involved in the Bank's work on COVID, gender and infrastructure/water, and am investigating how COVID has affected female entrepreneurs in Georgia.

Aug 2020 - present

Expert, European Institute for Gender Equality, vetted for (1) research and statistics and (2) gender mainstreaming.

Aug 2019 - present

Expert, European Commission. Serve as a short-term expert evaluating research proposals.

Aug 2019 - present

Expert roster, IMF (capacity development) and FAO (gender economics).

May-June 2020

Consultant at the World Bank. Prepared a background paper on gender inequalities in Mauritius for the 2020 Systematic Country Diagnostic, focusing on (1) endowments (health and education); (2) labor markets and access to productive assets; and (3) voice and agency.

Feb-Mar 2020

Consultant (Gender and Macroeconomics Adviser) at the IMF - Africa Training Institute. Assisted with the preparation of an IMF/UN Women course on gender and macroeconomics for government officials from Africa, focusing on employment, decent work and social protection, and unpaid work and the care economy.

Sep-Dec 2018

Consultant at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Won a £14,100 grant from University College London to assist the Bank with preliminary estimation of gender gaps in access to infrastructure and water, and how the gaps affect outcomes such as female employment and empowerment. Produced a report titled “Gender gaps in access to water and infrastructure in Asia”, using Gallup analytics, UNICEF MICS and the World Values Survey.

Sep 2017 - Jan 2018

Consultant at UNDP, Bangkok Regional Hub. Undertook quantitative research and produced a report on the link between childcare and female employment in Mongolia, titled “Women’s labor force participation and economic growth in Mongolia”. Utilized various household surveys .


Assistant Professor in Economics, University College London


Principal Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Office of the Chief Economist and Gender Team, London, UK

§ Conducted and published quantitative research on political economy, financial crises, institutions, corruption, preferences for market and democracy, gender economics and entrepreneurship. Presented research at international conferences.

§ Served as head investigator for the Life in Transition Survey (a household and attitudes and values survey administered jointly with the World Bank throughout the post-communist region and in several countries in North Africa). Designed and implemented the survey. Responsible for survey supervision and budget management.

§ Co-authored chapters in policy publications, such as the EBRD Transition Report.

§ Mentored and supervised analysts and interns

§ Designed and implemented survey modules on gender equality and attitudes towards women.

§ Worked closely with the EBRD Gender Team on revising gender gap methodology.

§ Trained the team in quantitative policy analysis, including courses on measuring gender inequality and regression analysis.

§ Contributed to the writing of the EBRD Gender Strategy.

Internships: 2007, Council of Europe Development Bank (Projects department); 2010 - EBRD (Evaluation department)


Associate, Charles River Associates, Washington DC, USA

§ Conducted econometric analyses on antitrust projects using Excel, Excel Visual Basic, SAS and Stata.

§ Manipulated large data sets. Identified problems with data format and consistency of observations.

§ Coordinated the work of two additional analysts