Fire Jobs

Job Announcements for Fire Jobs are currently CLOSED

If you'd like to be emailed when announcements open and training is available send your Name, Phone Number, Email, and what jobs you are interested in to

If you're looking to start a career fighting fire or summer work as a temporary firefighter, but you don't know where to begin, well, this is for you.

Maybe you've had a little experience on a trail-building crew. Maybe you're a volunteer firefighter for a rural fire protection district. Maybe you're a college student, or even a high school student, and you've heard about the high adventure and good income opportunity working in fire during the summer. You want to be on an engine? -- or a hotshot crew member? -- or you'll settle for anything if they’ll just give you a chance. If you're one of the many thousands out there, how do you manage to land yourself a slot on a fire crew?

Step 1 | Complete the Basic 40 training through self-directed delivery. Upon completion, you will have certification for S-130 (Firefighter Training), S-190 (Wildland Fire Behavior) & L-180 (Human Factors). 

Click the links below

Step 2 | Develop a federal resume. This is very different from the private sector. We host multiple presentations on how to build your federal resume and how to apply workshops. Make sure you’re on our email list so you’ll be notified when these trainings are available. We also offer a helpful PowerPoint on our How to Apply page.

Step 3 | Build your profile in and keep it updated. This is the website used to apply to all federal government jobs. We suggest you set up a saved job search with email notifications. This way you’ll know as soon as jobs open. USAJobs does offer a resume builder, it can be helpful to figure out content but is not visually pleasing. 

Step 4 | When announcements open apply to as many announcement numbers as you qualify for. Most of the time there is a GS3 (Entry level), GS4 (One year experience or 2 seasons) and GS5 (Qualified FFT1) announcements open at the same time for locations all across Region 5 (California). You can select as many locations as you are willing to work out of.

Step 5 | Visit and/or call all the stations / modules that you want to work at. We get thousands of applications so having the captains, battalion and division chiefs know who you are and making those connections will increase your chances. 

If you need any guidance with your resume or the application process give us a call (530) 303-8091.