

MPM (the Mathematics Project at Minnesota), is a four day long mathematical workshop for undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota who come from underrepresented groups. In addition to building community, MPM gives students an opportunity to explore mathematics, connect with graduate students and faculty in the department, and learn what being a mathematician is all about! This workshop runs in the winter prior to the spring semester every year, and is the 2024 winner of the Mathematics Programs that Make a Difference Award.

I am proud to be an organizer for MPM 2024 and 2025, and I was a counselor in 2023.


I am also involved in GeMM (Gender Minorities in Mathematics), a graduate student organization at the University of Minnesota. In addition to writing questions for our semesterly trivia, I am the Chair of the GeMM Colloquium Committee and the Vice President. As a part of the Colloquium Committee, I have worked alongside the department to bring in a special colloquium speaker at the University of Minnesota. Our first GeMM Colloquium took place in October of 2023.

E and four other graduate students in their department proudly show off yellow eggs that the found during a scavenger hunt hosted by GeMM