Make a Silhouette

Make a Silhouette

Grade Level: K-3

Classroom Time: 45 minutes


        Masking tape                              Glue

        Large White paper                       Lamp

        Black Construction paper           Scissors         




Teacher’s introduction to the material:

Silhouettes are outlines of a person in profile, filled in with black color and placed on a white background. The technique was developed by Etienne de Silhouette and, before photography was invented, it was a less expensive way of having a portrait made.

Silhouette art originated in France in the 1600s, moved through England and reached the height of its popularity in the United States in the late 1700s. Silhouette cutting began as an amusement for European royalty but in the U.S. became a popular way to capture portraits of both privileged and common people.



Skills: Art.


Vocabulary: Silhouette.


Variation: Take a photo of the subject posed sideways. Then cut out the head from the photo and trace unto black paper.


How to Make a Silhouette Art Piece. Retrieved from: