Service and Outreach

I have served in departmental committees and as an organizer for seminars at UTK and UIUC. I have also served as a referee for various journals and for MathSciNet. Moreover, I have been member of various outreach groups and volunteer for a plethora of outreach activities involving math, many of which have been focused toward achieving equity and enhancing diversity within STEM.


Reviewed articles for MathSciNet (AMS) and refereed for various journals, including "Transactions of AMS", "Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces", "Potential Analysis", and "Revista Matemática Complutense".

Duties include inviting external speakers, supporting administration with the reimbursement process, booking rooms for the seminar, managing the mailing list.

Served as Chair of the Teaching Assistant Teaching Award Committee of the Department of Mathematics of University of Illinois, which is a committee responsible for awarding the "Departmental TA Instructional Award" and "Brahana TA Instructional Award" to graduate teaching assistants after evaluating their applications and observing their teaching. Link

Served as member of the Teaching Award Committee of the Department of Mathematics of University of Illinois, which is a committee responsible for awarding the "Departmental Instructional Award" to faculty members after evaluation of their teaching profiles, as well as nominate faculty for the university-wide "Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Instructional Staff". Link

Duties include booking rooms for the seminar, inviting graduate students to give and attend talks, upload the schedule to the calendar.

Wrote and published 6 expository articles (in Greek) at Aristotle University's undergraduate math journal "The Prime Magazine". Subjects include Knot Theory, Measure Theory and Ramsey Theory and can be found here (Issues 3-7, 9).


Providing educational material in Mathematics (notes, worksheets, Mathematica demonstrations) to non-profit organization Maadhyam. 

Administrative support and involvement in outreach activities of the AWM chapter at University of Illinois (e.g. social events, Sonya Math Day)

Volunteer Mentor to first year Math Ph.D. students. Duties include providing advice on various aspects of life in Champaign-Urbana and guidance through the many requirements and directions within the Ph.D. program (especially during the online era of Covid-19), as well as opportunities for social interactions of the new student with other members of the program.

AUTH volunteer team of students contributing to teaching in the Department of Mathematics as teaching assistants and tutors under the guidance of faculty members. 

Provided administrative support for the 9th "International Week Dedicated to Math 2017, Thessaloniki".